Ch. 49- Mr. Brightside

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The Killers

I know, I know, I'm sorry. School and life and yeah. I'm sorry. Enjoy. Happy Readin

September 12, 2013

"Come on," Nico whispered, tugging on Will's arm. Will glanced back at the others, unaware that Percy was looking. "Come on," Nico insisted.

They disappeared out into Silena's backyard, leaving the others to continue laughing and dancing along to the music Silena had put on. Once they'd slipped away, Percy followed, making sure to stay quiet. He glanced around until he saw the two of them near the wall. Their silhouettes closer than Percy was comfortable with.

"Are you sure about this?" Will asked. Nico nodded. "But he'll find out."

Nico rolled his eyes. "For one, you pretending to be into Andrew throws him off." He pulled Will in and kissed him. "He won't find out. I'm good at secrets."

Will smiled and kissed him back. Percy stood there watching the two of them. He watched as Nico's fingers tangled into Will's golden hair, watched him tug and heard Will moan. He watched Will kiss his neck, making Nico gasp and pant and bite his lip. Will's hands wandered under Nico's shirt until Nico pulled him closer.

It wasn't until Will pulled his legs up and Nico wrapped himself around him that Percy tried to shout.

He jerked forward and gasped, causing Nico to look at him worriedly. "You okay?" he whispered. His eyes flitted back to the movie on the projector screen.

With a groan, Percy sat up and glanced around the dark classroom. "Bad dream," he said. "I fell." Nico gave him a teasing smile, but Percy couldn't bring himself to return it. He felt unnecessarily angry.

"Don't get yourself nervous again, love. You've been great at practice." Percy sighed. He'd forgotten he had a game the next day. The first game of the season.

The bell rang, cueing lunch. The lights came on, momentarily blinding Percy. Nico's hand automatically slid into Percy's. After a couple weeks at school, people didn't stare at them anymore. They were now just part of the crowd. The seniors didn't care for them much, the freshmen and sophomores were intimidated by them, and the rest of the junior class was mostly used to them being together anyway. Still, Percy's hand was limp in Nico's. He was still munching over the dream.

It made sense. If Will pretended to be infatuated with Andrew, it would throw Percy off. It had been throwing Percy off the whole time.

At Silena's party the previous week, they had spent the time listening to music and laughing and playing games. It was the first time there hadn't been a disaster at the party. And Will and Nico had disappeared at one point. But when Percy went to look for them, they were arguing, not kissing.

"Just because you like him, it doesn't mean I have to be nice," Nico had snapped at him.

Will scowled, which was bizarre to see on his usually happy face. "If you're my friend, then I need you to be nice to him!"

"What! Why? He's annoying! You- Percy?"

Will had turned to look at him, but he looked frustrated. "Everything alright?"

Will rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Tell him to stop acting like a dick," he'd told Percy. Then he went back into the party, leaving Nico to brood outside.

Ever since then, he kept having stupid dreams about Nico being with Will and it left him feeling restless. Meanwhile Nico and Will had been arguing constantly over the way Nico acted around Andrew and Percy couldn't help but feel that maybe he was jealous. But the one time he'd accused him of it had led to their first big fight since they'd gotten together.

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