Ch. 42- Howl

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~Florence + the Machine

Hey guys. Stuff happened in my family, and the only thing I could think to do was write and write and write. No planning, just writing.So I apologize if this chapter seems jumpy or sloppy. Thanks for your understanding. 

Christmas 2012

Breathe. Just breathe.

This was getting out of hand. It was the third panic attack he'd had that day. He curled into fetal position in his room, trying to get a grip on himself. He attempted reminding himself of who he was little by little, and it usually worked. Then he began thinking of song lyrics. Then he thought of Percy.

He thought of his eyes, his lopsided smile, the mess of hair, his broad shoulders, his gentle voice, his laugh, his lips.

And his breaths slowed down. He uncurled himself and took in his room. His heart slowed down.

A knock cam at his door and he stood up to open it. Hazel was standing there in a long sleeved red shirt and black jeans. She had on a Santa hat and Christmas tree earrings. Her gold eyes looked nervous. "She's here." Nico gulped and nodded. He ruffled his own hair and started for the stairs when Hazel called, "Is this a good idea, Nico?"

Nico froze. "Probably not." He turned to her and gestured for her to follow. They went downstairs and Nico saw Rosemary at the door in a red pea coat. She was shrugging it off, revealing a modest long sleeve dress and tights. Her hair was curled and she'd sprayed it with something that made it glitter. Her cheeks were rosy from the cold and probably from nervousness. "Hey," he greeted. She looked at him and smiled so honestly, he felt like a jerk for what he was doing.

He hugged her. She smelled like something sweet and tangy. "Are you nervous too?" she whispered.

"You'll see why," he muttered. He kept an arm around her waist. "Dad? Rosemary's here."

The hallway door opened, and his father walked into the living room. He'd slicked his hair back. He was wearing a suit. Rosemary scooted closer to Nico. He couldn't blame her. When his father wanted to, he could look intimidating. Especially with those beady black eyes that seemed to suck the soul out of anyone unworthy of his presence.

He kept his gaze on his son for a moment before looking at Rosemary. He smiled kindly. "Hello, Rosemary. I've heard a lot about you. Welcome, and Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, sir." Rosemary glanced at Nico and he smiled half-heartedly at her. "Is there anything I can help with?"

"You're a guest. Don't worry about a thing."

The door opened again and Dahlia came in shivering with Ms. Winters rambling on behind her. "-if you just listened to me!"

"Mother, enough! You- oh, we have a guest. Hello, I'm Dahlia."

"Dahlia?" Rosemary whispered under her breath.

"Dad's girlfriend."

"Oh God." Nico snorted. "Uh, I'm Rosemary, Nico's girlfriend."

"I thought that boy was gay," Ms. Winters snapped.

Blood rose to Nico's face and his stomach twisted in knots. "Mother," Dahlia said through clenched teeth. "Nico is not gay. He has a girlfriend."

Ms. Winter's scoffed. "That doesn't mean a thing. Your father turned out gay after he knocked me up."


"I need some air," Nico gasped. He left the house and sat down at the garden table. He put his head in his hands and tried to breathe. He looked up and counted the stars. It was freezing, but that kept him from thinking.

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