Ch. 36- Bloodstream

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~Ed Sheeran

A/N: Okay, so I just wrote this whole chapter today. thank my best friend for the help on the spots part. 

Also. Guys. I AM A SENIOR. I have AP classes and after school stuff  and college stuff and a lot of homework. I can't update each time, and it's really frustrating to get messages telling me to hurry up and update. I already have anxiety and those don't help. Seriously stop. 

Anyway, I made this chapter longer than the others, so I hope you guys enjoy it. Yes, I still read all the comments, so please, feel free to comment throughout. 


I love you guys, but please, be considerate. 

~Ally xoxo

September 14, 2012 Friday Percy

The next day, Percy woke up with the imprint of the sand dollar on his hand. He'd fallen asleep clutching it with all his might.

He uncurled his fingers and shook his hand out. Then he took a deep breath and got ready for school keeping his nervousness in check. He thought instead of what had happened between himself and Nico last night.

A promise had been broken, but Nico didn't seem upset. With his guard down, he was so much easier to talk to. Nico never pushed him away. Percy wondered if it meant that anything had changed. Would Nico take his hand in the hallway? Hold him in a close hug when he saw him that morning? Would he smile at Percy the way he used to and look at him with nervous happiness the way he had the last time they kissed?

His phone rang and Percy glanced at it, answering once he saw the name. "Morning," he said, nervousness making his voice shaky.

"Morning," Nico answered smoothly. "Are you riding with us or taking the bus?" Percy glanced at himself in his mirror.

He still hadn't put on deodorant or brushed his teeth or eaten breakfast. "Uh... I'm still not ready...."

"Well, we're still eating breakfast. Dad decided to go all out this morning for some reason. If you want to come over it's cool."

Percy nodded before remembering he was on the phone. "Yeah, okay. I'll go over in a bit. Do I have a toothbrush over there?"

"I think so?" Nico answered. "See you in a bit."

He grabbed his toothbrush after putting on some cologne and deodorant. He slipped his sand dollar in his pocket. When he got to the kitchen, he was surprised to see Mom awake. "Leaving already?" she asked.

"Oh, actually Azrael made breakfast. So I'm going over and getting a ride."

She nodded. "Alright. I'll see you at the game then. Paul's going." Percy took a shaky breath. Mom came around the island and hugged him tightly. "You'll do fine, sweetheart! You're on the team for a reason. And everyone who loves you is going to be there cheering you on. You've got a whole team with you." She put her hands against his cheeks and smiled. Percy nodded, feeling nervous still, but somehow in a better way. "I love you. I'll see you later."

Percy leaned over to kiss her cheek. "Love you too, Momma. Thank you." He smiled one last time before leaving the house. As he made his way own the paved path, he saw the flowers beginning to wilt. It was going to be too cold for them soon; not even Dahlia would be able to keep them alive. The door opened before he could knock. The silent chauffeur nodded at Percy and let him in.

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