Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Everyone Who Reads This

I brushed my brown hair into a ponytail.

"Leigh are you ready?" a voice with an Irish accent asked me.

"Yup Nialler!" I replied.

I sighed. I was born with a heart defect and it was my annual check up. I dreaded this day. Luckily, my boyfriend of 11.5 months, Niall Horan, was comming with me. 

"It'll be fine Lei," Niall reassured me in the car ride. 

"You know I hate doctors Niall," 

"They're only there to help dear," he said taking my hand and holding it. It reminded me of when we met.


"Slow down El!" I cried, my sundress billowing everywhere.

"I wanna see Lou!" she whined.

"EL!" a British voice called out and hugged her tightly. 

"Ohmigod El you didn't tell me you were dating THE LOUIS!" I cried.

"You never asked." 

"Well we have to get started," Liam said.

"Can I hug you guys?" I breathed.

Niall hugged me first, then Louis, then Zayn, then Liam, and Harry. Those green eyes and curly hair really got to me. 

"Hi I'm Leigh,"

"Harry," he said with a smile. Omigod his dimples his flipping dimples. I wanted to go out with him. I felt something smack my bum. Omigod omigod harry styles smacked my ass!

"Hey Lei, we're here," Niall said interuppting my flashback. He got out and opened my door and we held hans in the now empty parking lot. We knew when we got up it'd be filled with paps cos Niall was in One Direction.

We walked in, the air was cold. Dr. Benvollio was waiting for us. We went into the back and she did the usual checkup and she kept a straight face so it was hard to tell wether it was good or bad news. She took us in her office.

"Miss Hardt, I am going to put you on medication because you have a one in a ten cance of needing heart transplant and this medicine will help prevent that," she explained.

"Ok, thanks Dr. Benvollio," I said.

Niall and I left and smiled biggly for the crowded parking lot. The paps flashed cameras and I smiled bigger and Niall smiled at me. 

"I love you Lei," he said kissing me infront of the paps and they flashed cameras like crazy. They're just jealous. I thought.

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