Chapter 12

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Niall and I had slipped into the quiet comfortable life of marriage. We'd have late night movies and sex. Then we'd wake up at eleven and I'd cook for us and we'd clean and do house hold chores. We had the entire month of and it was wonderful. 

"So Leigh, it's our last night before we have to go back to the studio," Niall said.

"I know," I sighed. I was finishing up recording my new album, then possibly arranging a tour? My life was being set up so quickly now, but hey! I chose it and it was going to be great.

"So what should we do?" Niall asked.

"Niall," I sighed. He wanted sex, I tried to make it seem like I didn't want it either, but I really did.

"Leigh, I know you want to," he smirked.

"Fine," I giggled.

Then he picked me up bridal style and carried me into the bedroom. 

We made passionate love that day.


a/n sorry it's a filler i have this story planned out just you wait and see i need to like have minor things happen

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