Chapter 19

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-----day of sugery-----------

I woke up to Niall making waffles. 

"Niall," I groaned.

"What?" he said sheepishly.

"You know I can't eat," I said.

"I know its for me," He smiled.

"You're killing me," I said.

"You kill me babe," he smiled.

"Hahaha, I forgive you becasue I know you can't go without eating," I smiled.

I went and got dressed in sweats and put my hair into a messy bun. I was ready. I put my wedding ring and bracelet from Niall into my purse with my phone charger. I was ready to go.

Niall finsished putting dishes away when I came down and he smiled and hugged me. 

"I love you so much babe," he smiled.

"I love you more," I said.

"Everything will turn out fine," he said.

"Promise?" I said.

"I swear on my life Lei," Niall smiled.

Then I kissed him before we got into the car on the way to the hospital.


Once we got to the hospital they had me fill out an arse load of papers. Then we got admitted into our rooms and I had to tweet.

About to have the transplant thank you for thoughts and love i love you all so much :) xx

Niall smiled at me. Then I saw his tweet.

The lovely @LeighHardtHoran is having transplant I love her and thanks for thoughts xx

"I love you Niall," I smiled.

"I love you more," he said.

Then a nurse came in.

"We're going to wheel her into the operating room and the heart will be taken out of the fridge when she's out of the room," the nurse said.

"See you in a bit Niall," I smiled.

"See you soon, I love you so much," he smiled.

"I love you more Niall," I said. Then I was put into the room and the mask was put over me and I mentally prayed before I fell asleep.


I woke up hazily. 

"Hello Mrs. Horan, the sugery went well and your new heart is perfect," a Doctor said.

"Thanks, where's Niall?" I asked.

Then the doctor handed me a peice of paper with Niall''s god awful handwriting on it. I gulped.

"Hey Princess it's Niall here, well you probally already know that from my awful handwriting :) I'm trying to get my mind off the sugery that's coming up. So i have decided to write you this note. okay so i guess since you're reading this i  really haved died. wow that is hard to think of i'll never see your beautiful face anymore or get to say i love you....that's even harder to think of. I love you so much and I hope you know that. You have been here through it all, the ups the downs, but we have had some really good times. Remember when I tried to teach you the guitar and you broke it? Really, I'm sorry but how do you mangage to break a guitar? If it was one string I'd understand but you broke every string! But it was worth it to see you smile. Your smile is so beautiful it's like a bright star taken out of the sky and put into your mouth hehe like a mouth star :) I'm sorry let me get to my point. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and it hurts me so much to think that I have to leave you. But hey you get to live. You need a heart and since you've already stolen mine, I figure it's only right that you should get it for real. When we found out about the transplant we laid in bed whilst we held eachother and told eachother it'd be alright but it isn't and now here I am saving you like the princess that you are. The doctors are wheeling me into the sugery room so I guess I have to go. I love you babe and I hope you live a long happy life. I can't wait to see you and Delilah up in heaven. Hugs and kisses. Mwah Mwah mwah.

-Niall" the letter read. 

I was sobbing. 

"We dropped the heart that was originally for you and Niall took the place, I'm sorry for your loss," the Doctor said, "Your friends would like to see you."

"Send them in please," I said. Then I grabbed my phone. 

Niall tweeted me and the fans and left a voicemail.

His tweet to the fans was:

You guys have made my life a complete dream thank you I love you all so much mwah mwah mwah xx

Then his tweet to me was:

@LeighHardtHoran I love you and keep making me proud :)

I couldn't listen to the voicemail quite yet.

"Hi," Liam whispered walking in.

"Liam," I whispered then sobbing.

"I'm so sorry," he said.

"He promised me it'd be okay and it's not, I don't want to live anymore I'm the reason he died," I sobbed.

Liam didn't say anything.

I killed the one boy I loved.


It was the burrial. 

Niall was gone.

He was never ever coming back.

I was a widow and I killed him.

"Lei, you didn't kill him," Harry whispered to me after everyone left.

"Yes I did, he gave me his heart," I said.

"You stole it and he stole yours, and wouldn't you have done the same," Harry said.

I sighed.

"You know I'm right," he said.

"Yes," I sighed.

"He loved you so much," Harry said.

"I know, a little too much," I said.

"You'll always have a part of his heart, literally," Harry said chuckling at his lame attempt of a joke.

"That's funny Harry, he would be laughing so hard," I smiled for the first time in a week.

"There's that smile," Harry said.

"Let's go," I said.

Harry hugged me and we drove away from the grave yard.

"I love you so much Niall," I whispered. 

"Little Things" came on the radio and I swore I heard Niall whisper my name in his solo and I knew he would always be with me.

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