Chapter 16

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I was in labor.

"Niall make sure the suitcase is in the car and that the car seat is all set up and I'm going to call people," I said.

"Ok," Niall said then thundering up the stairs.

I pulled out my iPhone and first called my doctor.

"Hello Mrs. Horan," she said.

"Hello, my water broke," I said.

"I'll see you at the hospital like we planned," she said.

"Thanks," I said hanging up.

Then Niall came in.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yes," I smiled hugging him.

I called Maura.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I'm in labor and on the way to the hospital," I said.

"We're leaving," she said.

"Thank you, I love you," I said.

"Love you too," she said then we hung up.

Once we got to the hospital, I was put into a wheelchair and taken to my room. I put on the hospital gown and the doctor came in and confirmed I was in labor. I now had a needle in my wrist and Maura and Bobby were here then Liam and Danielle arrived. El was coming later. Zayn and Pierre were on a plane from America. Louis and Harry, well I don't know.

"How are you?" Niall said sitting down in the chair next to the bed.

"I feel good, the contractions hurt, but I'm doing well," I said with a smile.

"That's good," Niall said taking my hand.


{four hours later}

"One last push Mrs. Horan!" the doctor said.

I was hot and sweaty and sore but somehow, I managed to give one big push.

"12:12," the doctor said. Then the baby cried.

"It's a girl," the doctor announced.

Then my daughter was placed in my arms. Niall took our first picture together.

"Delilah Maura Horan," I said saying the girl name Niall and I picked out.

"She looks like it," Niall said.

Then the nurse recorded that.

Then Niall held her and I took the photo of the two of them. She was all cleaned up and she had Niall'a nose and my facial structure and she had brown hair. I loved her so much already.

I called Kellan,

"I had the baby," I said.

"Congrats!" she said.

"When do I have to announce it?" I asked.

"Today," she said.

"Twitter?" I asked.

"Yes, bye," she said hanging up.

I opened my twitter.

"Niall and Delilah :)" I tweeted adding the picture of Niall holding her.

Niall smiled. I really don't know how life could get any better.


a/n I'm moving a little quickly to get to the point of the story so bear with me please thanks for voting :) what do you think is going to happen? 2 votes until next update :)

keep bein cool

-Chloe xxx

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