Chapter 14

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It was CD releasing day. Also pregnancy annoucing day, Niall was over the moon about this and I just felt so nervous.

"Don't be nervous Lei," Niall said pecking my cheek.

"Bye Ni, love you," I smiled. 

"Love you too, I'll look out for your tweet," he smiled hugging me. Then leaving me alone. But I was going out to eat with El who just found out the gender and told her family and Louis. He was telling the boys and El was telling me.

"Hey fans thanks for buying my new CD :) also I have some news.....there's going to be a new Horan :)" I tweeted.

That quickly trended, I had 17 million followers so I was doing okay on twitter. No, I was doing great I couldn't believe 17 million people cared about the short sentences I said.

Niall RT'd that instantly then so many girls tweeted asking for clarification and proof. I posted a picture of my tiny bump on instagram, well here's to the new tabloid story.

"Yes, my client Leigh Hardt-Horan is expecting," Kellan tweeted. I sighed but on the great side, El was coming soon and feeding me. Pregnancy has made me so hungry, I ate more than Niall at dinner last night and he was gobsmacked.

El came an hour after my tweet.

"I'm having a girl!" she cried when I got in the car.

"Yay!" I said hugging her.

"Let's eat!" she smiled.

We drove to Nando's, Peri Peri chicken was calling me.

"You're such a girl version of Niall right now Lei, I just can't," she said shaking her head laughing.

"I want Peri Peri chicken and a lemondade," I said ordering.

Once I got my food I ate it carefuly, but in my head I was shoving the chicken in my mouth with my bare hands.

Everyone was taking pictures of El and I, cos we're married/dating 2/5 of the world's top boyband and we're carrying their children and I'm a rising popstar, so yeah I'd take pictures too if I saw myself at Nando's.

El and I left and we got mobbed with people and questions. 

Gheez Louise couldn't to pregnant girls go out for a day without being mobbed?

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