Chapter 2: The Beginning Of Our Friendship

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Jack's POV

"A-are you... Jack Frost?" she said while looking at me curiously. "Yeah... yeah I am" she stared at me trying to sink in what I just told her. "But how did you know my name?" I said curiously while walking around her room. I think I looked like I was looking or searching for something in her room to make her follow me. " I think... I found a book about you. I was just... reading... it... a while... ago" she said struggling looking for something in the book shelves. One by one she looked at each of the book . "Ahaa!" finally she found the one and brought it out. It was big and it looked kind of old. She put it on her bed and showed it to me 'The Guardians of Children'. She opened the book and fliped the thick pages of it. As she fliped it, I noticed that it was all of the guardians' pictures and information. On the last page I was really suprised. It was actually me! Well, I am kind of one of the guardians so I should be here. Ugghhh.... here goes my short attention span again. Okay, back to the topic!

Rapunzel's POV

"Hey Punzie, where did you find this book?" what the... what's with the nickname?? well, I decided to ignore that and think about what he said. Hmmm..... now that he mentioned it, I didn't know who bought it here. It could be mother but she only brings books home when I ask for a certain book, but I haven't requested for this one, that I know. Why on earth would it be here if no one brought it here. BOOKS CANT WALK!! or teleport. I replied with a simple answer; "Honestly, I only found it a few moments ago on a shelf but I dont know who brought it here." We both exchanged looks of curiosity but Jack's look was a mix of curiosity and worry.

He finally decided to calm down and put the book on the shelf and made himself comfortable on my bed putting two hands behind his head. "So Rapunzel," hah! no nickname this time "Yes Jack Frost?" "No, no. Call me Jack" "Alright... Jack" I nodded and smiled at him "wanna go outside? Have fun? Play in the snow? Since there's nothing to do here" he said.

I looked at the ground and muttered; "I'm not allowed to, Mother doesn't allow me" he looked at me with a shocked look. "Wha-what?! Are you serious???" I nodded with a i-know-pathetic-right look on my face. "But honestly, I've always wanted to go outside for once." He came closer to me slowly I looked out the window "And to see the floating lights that appears only on the night of my birthday, which is tomorrow, but I think nothing's gonna change" he went closer to me. Beside me looking out the window. "Well then, let's go out!" "Well, I would love to, but remember? I'm forbiden to go outside." "Oh come on! " he said pouting with a matching pair of puppy dog eyes... aww, he looks so cute. Wait. Hold up! What am I talking about? I just met him. Get a grip Rapunzel! 

I looked at him with a serious face trying to hide the thought of him being cute. "Please... at least one thing has to change on your birthday! Its gonna be my present to you." I looked at him again with an unconvinced look.

"Come on Punzie, sooner or later you're gonna give in, you now you know you want to..." he said to me raising his eyebrows up and down. This sight of him made me laugh inside but I let out a small giggle instead.

"Fine..." I replied putting my hands in the air as a sign of my surrender in the conversation.

"But give me five minuites to prepair" he nodded and layed down on my bed again.

Jack's POV

"Hey Punzie, you ready yet?" I said with a bored tone in my voice. "Just a minuite!" she said in a sing song voice. That made me laugh quietly.

Moments later she came out of the dresser and faced me. She was wearing my favorite colour, BLUE! of all the colours of her dresses she picked my favorite one! What a coincidence. It complimented her skintone and her eyes perfectly. She looked so.... BEAUTIFUL! whoa whoa whoa.... hold on a second! I THINK SHE'S WHAT?! Jack, stop your insanity!

Finally, I remembered that I called her by a nickname. I thought that that was kind of rude so I'll ask her.

"Rapunzel, do you mind if I call you 'Punzie'?" I asked her. "Umm... no, not really. Why do you call me that anyway?" oh man... I was hoping she wouldn't ask that "Well, that's my nickname for you. And I thought it was cute. I said saying the last line in a low murmur voice so she can't hear it. "Oh... okay then."  she said in a very peppy voice and smiled at me. And that made me smile back at her. 


Hey! Wazzup people! Sorry for not updating sooner and if it shorter but hey, I have my own things to do. Plus my mom gets mad at me if I use the computer too long. But, HERE! I updated didn't I? 

Oh... and by the way, what do you all think of a love triangle? comment on what your answer is. I really need all of your opinion on this

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Two Different Worlds, Same Reallity (A Jackunzel Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें