Chapter 9: Sweet Dreams in Horrific Nightmares (Part 1)

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"What the-?" a moment ago, I heard something... not normal... well, not even my kind of normal... well, its not good normal, it's more of a mysterious-bad normal.. well, you get the picture..

A few moments pass and I feel something familiar.. As I look back, I saw a whole pack of Pitch's nightmares, shooting those no-good nightmare sand at us.. ? My eyes went wide.

"Oh shoot! C'mon Punz, we gotta go. Now!" I said to her. "Why? Where are we going NOW?" she asked me. "Away. From those." I replied to her, gesturing to the nightmares behind us. "*Gasp* WHAT are they?" she said, a bit scared. "Uhh... things... bad things. That's why we gotta get away from them. FAR away."

The nightmares won't stop shooting at us, and what's worse is they're shooting us with those horrible nightmare sand... I started fighting back with my staff and ice powers but unfortunately, it wasn't very effective.

"Tch." I hit a few of those nightmares, but they still keep coming! "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" I looked downwards, where the noise was coming from, and saw... Rapunzel! Falling! AHHHHH!! "Jaaaaaaaack!!! HELP MEEE!" she screamed, reaching out for me. I swooped down, trying to get to her, to stop her from falling... "Punzie! I'm coming!!" I finally caught up to her just right before she hits the ground.

Talk about close calls...

We need to shake these things out of our tail. I went through different twist and turns, some tunnels... went through a few villages, towns and forests. We had a really hard time because of Punzie's 70+ feet hair. It kept getting stuck and tangled up all over the place. So she hugged a bunch of hair hair so it wasn't that long anymore. So it won't get stuck and such. And so it won't trace our trail... To add on our troubles, those nightmares kept shooting those black sand at us.. which I accurately blocked most of..

After a few minuites later of flying and dodging, we finally lost them. So I headed to the place where we  were originally going to. Moments later, we arrived at the lake. This was the lake where Manny found me... This must sound wierd to you, but this is the place where I come to think... when I feel troubled, this is the first place I'll go.

"So this is it Punz." I said to her, letting her down, off my back. "Wow. It's so relaxing here... It's so... peaceful *sigh*" even when I come here often, I still never get tired of the peacefulness in this place... then.. "Jack... I don't feel so good..." she said, then fainted on-the-spot.

Oh no..

"Rapunzel!" what happened to this girl.. why did she suddenly got knocked unconcious? As I laid her there, tried to make her comfortable, I saw some black sand on an area of her hair and a bit on her back and neck. She must've been shot by the nightmares... that's why she fell off my back.... So that means... Oh no. No no no no no no no no! We need to get back. I need to see Sandy...

As we took off, me carrying Punzie bridal-style, she kept twitching and mumbling some things... And then, I noticed that she started tearing up.. it hurts me just to watch...

Hang in there Punzie... just a bit more...


Where am I?
Why am I here?
Where's Jack?
What happened?

I woke up with a throbbing head, in the middle of nowhere surrounded by darkness.

"Jack?.. Jack!! Where are you? this isn't funny!" I shouted trying to sound forceful but sounded more scared... I kept calling out for Jack, for someone...

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