Chapter 5: A Trip To The North Pole (Part 2)

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Jack's POV

We stepped in North's workshop and immediately, the eroma of the smell of cookies filled the atmosphere...

Mmmmmm.... I'm hungry!!!

I think Rapunzel noticed it too 'cause she had this cute little smile on her face like she just saw her lost prized possesion.... Then I quickly knew that we both like cookies... I mean, who doesn't like cookies???

Alright... enough of that.... so back to the workshop.

"Hey guys! Where are you all?" I shouted or maybe yelled seeing how big the workshop is and shouting isn't enough to hear my voice...

Then soon enough I can here slight swift movements in the air. But here's the thing, it's not in the room... Yeah... that's how strong my senses in the wind are!

But I knew who it exactly it is...

'Brace yourself Punzie... It's about to get dental!'

As I expected, Tooth came barging in the room... looking as jumpy as a kangaroo... or a bunny... hehe... kangaroo and a bunny... bunnyroo! HAHAHAHA! xD

'UGH'I mentally facepalmed myself for my sometime short attention span.

Okay! Back to business!

Like I said... Tooth was the first to enter the room, soon to be followed by North, Bunny, then Sandman...

"Ahh! Jack... What brings you to the pole?" North asked in an ever so jolly tone... he must be in a good mood... good thing too.

They stared at my direction but not directly at me and not in a rude or bad way either... it was more of a curious look... I was looking at Rapunzel that was now behind me, kind of making me like a human shield? But she was more like half hugging me... if that even makes any sense... with a matching expression like a scared little 5 year old girl... she looks so cute....

HOLD YOUR HORSES!!! I shouldn't be saying or rather thinking this, should I? I mean, I just formally met her days ago then this is what is think of? Wrong timing Jack... completely wrong timing... -_-

"Punzie, calm down... there friends alright?" I said to her with the softness of my voice only the two of us could here. She hesitated at first but agreed and answered with a nod.

"Hey guys! I just dropped by to deliver some news... but first, I want you all to meet my friend..." I said stepping out of her way then motioning to her.

"Err... Hello. My name's Rapunzel. I'm from the kingdom of Corona. I was locked in a tall towersince I was young in the middle of nowhere... well, according to Jack that is. Sorry for the trouble that I'm causing..." She looked down while saying the last part... Awwww Punzie....

"Hi Rapunzel!" they all said in union. "So we have a believer here! That's great!" Tooth said in her high pitched voice...

"Let us introduce ourselves," North said. "My name is Nicholas St. North also known as Santa, but just call me North. I'm the one who gives presents every christmas to kids that are in the 'Nice List' all in one night, before Christmas Morning."

"My name is Toothianna also known as the Tooth Fairy, but call me Tooth instead. Im the one who gets your teeth under your pillow when it falls out of your mouth then replaces it with coins."

"I'm E. Aster Bunnymud also known as the Easter Bunny, but I'm fine with Bunny. I'm the one who hides Easter eggs everywhere on Easter Sunday. "

"And this is Sandman. He's the one who gives all the kids sweet dreams and prevents nightmares entering them..."

"And Rapunzel, on behalf of everyone here... you are no trouble my dear! We are glad that we metand found another believer!" North said widely smiling at Rapunzel and Rapunzel returning the smile. 

"By the way mate, I would just like to know... How or when did you start to believe in us?" Bunny asked. We all turned to Rapunzel.

"Well, my mother bought me that book... I think. I mean... she's the only person that knows the way to-and-from the tower. Who else could it be, right?"

Hmmm.... Well, that makes sense. Even I don't know the way to that tower.

And how do I get there to visit her? The wind guides me to her. Yeah...

Well, I'm just glad that they're not mad that I brought a person here without permission. And that we got here safe. Well, I'm used to it anyway... so... what  I mean is I'm happy that Rapunzel doesn't feel unwell because of the traveling.

 Alright! Back to the news....

"Alright, now that you all introduced yourselves... I have some news." I said instantly changing my facial expression from happy to serious

"Nightmares have been starting to regain there strengths, and I'm afraid that we'll be seeing Pitch very soon." I heard Tooth gasp.

We all looked at North expecting a plan or something. But nothing. Not a word came from North. It was kind of scaring me a bit. He was like in a trance or something. He looked like o.o

Until he finally spoke. Thank goodness! a few seconds more and I would've shout at his face to get a grip. 

"How did you know?"


hey people who are reading my storyyy!!!!!


sorry for taking so long by the way.

I've been suuupppeeerrrr busy with school with all the assignments and the projects and the reviwing for the tests and all that...

UGH... i just need a break from all that work...


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