Chapter 8

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Jack's POV

I quickly flew through the corridors and stopped at the front of Punzie's room.


Palms sweating. Chest tightening. Slightly panicking inside my brain about what should I say. Slightly pacing infront of the door looking like I really need to pee and the one who's in the only stall is taking forever to finish. 

Why am I nervous? I'm just here to talk to her. Just talk to her... like we norrmally do.

Breath. Breath. Relax Jack. Just keep cool...

Rapunzel's POV

After a few moments of thinking and over-thinking things through, I managed to calm myself down but didn't let myself forget my problem.

I heard some muffled sounds but it was barely audible so I didn't know where or whom it came from. I looked around the room, scanned it like I was looking for my most valuable paint. But there was nothing or nobody there. I retreated to the bed, half sitting and half laying down...

Then I heard some noise again but this time there were cracking sounds... like how you crunch small patches of ice in your mouth.

I looked at the door with curiosity marking my expresion.

'Hmm?' I said and tilted my head. I saw frost slowly creeping in under the door of my room and the doorknob. 'Well, I think I know the only person who does that.' I thought to myself.

I stood up from my bed and headed towards the door, reaching for the doorknob. I touched the doorknob to open it but flinched at the touch because it turns out, the door knob was also a bit frozen. So I took a small cloth and rubbed it in the door knob to cool it off.

I opened the door revealing a nervous Jack in my door way that was reaching for the door, but obviously I did it befor he had the chance to. 

"I-i... Uh.... Well...... I just...." he said stuttering and I can see a slight pink-ish color creeping on his cheecks. And I can feel the same thing happening to me. Wait, why am I getting emabrassed?

No words were said. No actions towards each other were made. No communication was done. This went on for the next 10 minutes and oh yes, it was definitely very awkward.

Jack's POV

 "Come in..." she said with the softest tone she can. I didn't wait for another second and shuffled- flew into her room. Huh... I never notice this befor - well, maybe because I never came to her room befor?... Hey!... of course I haven't! I'm not a creep to sneek into her room without permission! anyway....- but small jars and bowls of paint were everywhere, filled with every color I can imagine. Paint brushes that were slightly used is scattered everywhere, like the bowls of paint. And most of all, the fascinating paintings on the walls of her room. It was... well, the one word to describe it is AMAZING!

"Hey Punzie, did you paint this?" I said pointing at the painting infront of me, gawking, staring at it, star-stuck. 

"Mhm! It's not that good or anything but-"

"Are you kidding me?! This is... well, absolutely amazing!" I said as I take her hand and lift her whole body up in the air -well, as high as the roof of her room could take us-, smiling at her innocent and modest personality.

"When exactly did you paint those? You've only been here almost a day and you've painted the walls of your room!" I said slowly putting her down on the ground.

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