Chapter 4: A Trip To The North Pole (Part 1)

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Jack's POV

After the event we had with the villagers, we went to find somewhere to sleep in. As we were flying by, I saw this little cottage that was empty. It has this homey vibe with it so I thought that its the perfect place to stay over the night.

It was also surrounded by a field of beautiful flowers so I think she'll love it. And I thought right. We went closer to the ground so she can see it, a huge smile immediately showed up on her face. I immediately felt happy 'cause she liked it. She quickly went in the field danced around, looking and smelling every kind of flower there is in the area.

When it got dark out, we went in the cottage to prepair ourselves for some sleep. Luckily it wasn't locked so we easily went inside. We layed down on the floor and sleep started to drift through me. But Punzie woke me up by asking about the lanters.

She fell asleep after her questioning about the things that happened and will happen tomorrow. Which got me thinking. 'Hmmm.... maybe we'll go on a boat ride tomorrow for the lanterns.... Maybe. I hope nothing will go wrong tomorrow. I hope so...' That's the last thing I remeber me thinking of before I slept.


I was awakened by the sound of chirping birds and the sun shining brightly through the window. "Uuurrrgggghhhh!" I groaned. As you can see, I'm not a morning person.

I stretched out of bed ... or maybe the floor... then stood up. A pleasant eroma of something hit me as soon as I stood up the floor. I followed the scent of it and ended up in what seems to be the porch of the cottage. On the table, I saw a bowl filled with something... I think it's soup..... so I sat on the chair in front of the table. So this is where the smell was coming from.

Then I saw a small note;


I made this soup for breakfast. But you were still asleep so I already ate breakfast. This is yours. Hope you like it! Don't worry, I've made it with the proper ingredients so I guarantee you it's safe. Dig in! :)


"Alright then. Don't mind if I do mister note!" I started eating and I must say, this is REALLY good. I think it's hazelnut soup. And I'm not just saying that cause I haven't eaten in the past 300 years.

After I ate the soup, the events of yesterday flooded my thoughts immediately.

Yesterday was great! Nothing bad happened or disturbed us. Well, except for that one thing I heard but aside from that.

I had a lot of fun. To be honest, what I experienced yesterday was a different kind of fun. I was enjoying it more and became more happy... Nothing holding me back... Like I'm more care free!

I think it was the fact that Rapunzel was with me. She even helped me make some kids belive in me too. Not to mention that since I saw her in that tower that night, she kind of made me more determined and became one of my strengths and inspiration to keep going. > ///// <

OMG... I'm turning into a... A GIRL!! I should stop this cheesy talk before I spill out something that I'm not suppose to.Speaking of Rapunzel, where is she?

"Puuuunziiieee! Where are you?! Rapunzel?!" I looked around the area for her but there's no sign of her at all... She didn't say anything in the note either.

Oh no. Oh no no no no no no no! This is bad! Don't tell me I've lost her! Its only been two days and I lost her?! What kind of person and friend would I be to her.

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