Chapter 3: First Time I Felt Free

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Rapunzel's POV

He motioned his hand for me to follow him to the window. I looked outside ,then all the way down the ground. I suddenly felt nervousness running or more like sprinting across my body through my veins.

"How are we gonna get out?" I said afraid of what he was about to say next. "We're gonna fly. What else do you expect?" he said confidently. I was in total shock. "Um.. maybe climbing or swinging down?" He chuckled

"What's so funny?" I said with a clearly annoyed tone in my voice. "Punzie, believe me, it's faster and more fun when you fly." I looked at him in disbelieve, still not convinced. "No way! What if we fall. Or get blown by the wind out of direction. We could get lost, it's okay for you 'cause you know your way around here but I could immediately get lost!" I went on with this. I heard him laugh quietly.

"Come on, we won't experience any of the things that you said. I promise." I looked down, still questioning myself if I would agree. "Trust me..." I looked up to him. He held his hand up for me to grab it. "Fine... I trust you" we steped on the edge of the window, getting ready to 'take off'.

I again felt my nervousness creep up my spine. Jack must've noticed 'cause if he didn't, he wouldn't ask me this: "Punzie, you ok?" "Yeah, I'm alright, just a little nervous 'cause were about to FLY out of this really tall tower." I said sarcasticly. "Alright then." he said with a smirk on his face. 'What is this guy thinking?'

Jack's POV

It's so obvious that this makes her very very nevous and uncomfortable. Well, let's just see... "Hey Punzie, you ready?" she nodded "Don't worry, you just have to believe and the wind will carry you." She breathed deeply and closed her eyes shut. We were holding each other's hands.


Snap out of it Jack! CONSINTRATE!!

"On three, we'll take off alright Rapunzel?" she nodded in agreement. "In 1... 2... 3!" we jumped out of the tower.

Then five seconds later Rapunzel flew, "Woohoooo!!! Yeaaaahhh!!!" making twirls in the air. She looked so happy, happier than usual.

I just watched her enjoy that moment. I don't know why but whenever I see her smile, it makes me smile back. It's like her smile warms me up inside... in a good way.

Then suddenly, I heard someone laugh evily, the laughter echoing in my head. I looked around trying to find whoever's making it.  Then I realize, "Pitch" I said in a voice low enough for it to be heard by me only. 'But it can't be! He was defeated by us guardians years ago... But he is unpredictable in a bad way though... I think I'll just be extra carefull. Especially when Rapunzel's with me'  I thought trying to convince and calm myself down. 

After a few minuites of her flying and enjoying and me thinking deeply... too deep to be exact, she finally came to me. "Sorry for the wait. I was just enjoying myself so much for the first time that I didn't realize that I was wasting time." She said while the colour red creeping up her cheecks. And that ladies and gentlemen snaped me back to reallity. She looks so cute...

We held each other's hands again and went off to the direction of the kingdom of Corona. And the whole ride was so stressful for me, 'cause Pitch might be back and he's just waiting for a perfect chance to get me The moment we arrived, the expressions on her face was like she's a kid in a huge candystore. She was so excited... not to mention HYPER! She dragged me around the whole kingdom with that smile not leaving her face.

Rapunzel's POV

'I can't believe I did this!! I can't belive I'm flying!!!I can't believe how much fun I've been missing... Why didn't mother want me to leave that old tower anyway?!' I was making so many twirls and circle in the air and enjoying myself so much that I forgot all of my troubles and problems in that only moment. Realizing that I've been wasting time, I went to where Jack was and flew off to the kingdom of Corona.

When we got their, I suddenly feel like bolt of lighting. I was so energetic and so itching to go around the whole place. I literally dragged Jack around the whole entire kingdom. The only place left is in the middle of the town, and that's where we're going! And as usuall, he 'escorted' me there.

I was looking around the area when I suddenly felt a very cold touch on my shoulder. It was Jack's hand that tapped me. He was holding a container filled with kind of frozen, cold, and soft... MILK?! I took a scoop of it and shoved in my mouth. The second I tasted it, I was just so... I can't even describe the feeling... But I'll tell you one thing, IT TASTES REALLY GOOD!! Suprisingly, I finish i think three containers of it. Jack was staring at me with total amusement on what he just witness on what I did.

"Wow, I know you like ice cream but not that much!" he laughed at me 'cause I finished the first whole container of ice cream with in a minuite and ate two more containers of it in five minuites. "Well, it was really good! And it was my first time after all." I said while pouting like a little kid and saw him trying to hold in his laughter but couldn't do it. And for no appearant reason, I bursted into laughter with him. I kinda feel so retarded at that time... xD

After our conversation and the dragging him to every area of the kingdom, danced with the villagers, painted on the ground and walls and all that... I noticed a huge wall with brick designed image of three people. Two grown ups and a baby girl. I assumed that the grown ups are the parents and the baby was their daughter. While I was looking at it, it was like I was having a flash back of some sort but it wasn't clear. I was snaped out of my deep thoughts when Jack said something to me.

"Hey Punzie," I felt Jack put his hand on my shoulder and then went beside me "whatcha looking at?" then we both stood there looking at the giant portrait... or painting... or whatever you want to call it. "Nothing. I just saw this and... I guess, got distracted." "Well, lets go then?" I nodded in response without asking him where we're going. 'Where IS he taking me now?!'


Hey guys :)... I edited and added something in this chapter but just a little bit 'cause I think it's kinda not what I planned to happen in certain moments... So, for the people who read this before, you can read it again if you want to. I just want you to be notified that's all. Oh and comment on what you think on this, vote if you liked it and fan me if you want to. And to the readers of this story, thanks so much for reading and supporting!! :)

I promise that the next chapter is going to be longer and better. I was really busy this past week 'cause our school starts on the 3rd of June so I'm getting ready. It sucks... and school means I may get to update slower, but I can still update if and when I'm not busy with my homework. 

Oh yeah... the love triangle that I promised may be on the next chapter or the chapter after that. Keep on supporting this story. :)

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