Chapter 12

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Hey guys. Yes, it's me. I'm so sorry about not updating :( my parents and relatives said that I should stop using my phone, laptop, and the internet for once, even if it was just for a few days... lol. Yeah right. 'Days'.. so... again, I'm so sorry! I'll make it up to you all I promise! JUST COMMENT WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO FOR ME TO MAKE IT UP TO YOU ALL. IF THERE'S MORE THAN 20 COMMENTS, JUST THEN WILL I  BE DOING WHAT YOU ALL WANT ME TO DO :P :) XD




        They made me go out. I didn't want to leave, but they made me do it. Well not that I don't want to spread snow and fun, I just wasn't up to it, I wasn't in the mood. I feel guilty. This is all my fault. My fault that she's like that.

        Snap out of it, Jack. Get a grip. You shouldn't have that kind of attitude. It's Christmas season, you need to spread snow. You have to do your job. Sigh...


        When I got back, Punzie was awake. Thank goodness she's finally awake. Although she looks a bit paler, thinner, and maybe weaker but she's awake and smiling. Sigh... Even when she just got out of a coma, she wouldn't stop smiling. But the thing is, at this moment, when she smiles, I feel like she has a hard time doing so. Considering the energy and strength she lost over the time she spent in that wretched coma. And even though she's been through all that, her eyes still has that spark in it.

        "Okay guys, give her room. Some space for her to breath in would be nice, people! She just got out of a coma for Pete's sake!" said Tooth who was making a shoo-ing gesture and slightly pushing us back. Rapunzel giggled lightly in response.

 "Tooth's right, mates. Maybe we should head out."  Bunnymud said, nodding in agreement, then headed out. 

 "Rapunzel needs to rest. Tooth, Sandy, take charge in the mean time. Help her recover her strength. I'll call for some elves to assist you. But, other than that I'm afraid that we three won't be much of a help. You two are mainly the only ones who can, but if you need any, we're down in the workshop." North said, following Bunnymud outside. 

        I gave her a reassuring smile, "Here, Punz. Your sort-of-'Welcome Back' present." I put out my hands, and made the little snowflake appear.

 "This snowflake is special. Unlike the others, this snowflake never thaws out." I found it sometime ago when Rapunzel was still in that coma.

Manny helped me. Well, actually he guided me, through alot of places, for me to actually find it. I wasn't even sure that a snowflake like that ever exsisted before. I settled the snowflake on top of the little table on the side of the bed she's laying on, then faced the door and headed out. I can't help but notice her soft little voice say 'Thank You' even if it is really faint.

        Sigh. Well, at least she's back. And I hope it stays that way.


        "Sweetie, how've you been? What happened to you?" Tooth asked while making something. I don't really know what it is....

        "Uhm... besides the fact that I've been having horrible consecutive nightmares because of Pitch the whole time I was in that coma? I'm fine, I guess..." a gasp escaped Tooth's mouth.

 "What? Oh my goodness, Rapunzel. That's horrible! What happened? Are you hurt? Did he do something to you? Are there any broken bones or bleeding?--"

 "I'm alright, Tooth. I promise, I really am." I said, slightly giggling because of Tooth's reaction.

Who new she would get so worked up over that, or any of them. In fact, I actually thought that they just think that I was only in a really really long deep sleep..

        I glanced in Sandy's direction. I wonder if what happened in my coma really did happen. Should I ask now? No, maybe later..


After they made me drink stuff, alot of it, whatever it was, I felt strangely okay. Actually I'm more than okay.  I felt fantastic. I stand up and walk now! But I still wasn't physically back to my normal self. It may only take a few days or so for me to be back to my normal looking self, though..

I told Tooth and Sandy what happened when they finished treating me. I told them everything that happened to me since the first nightmare to the last I had in that coma, including the 'dream' I had. But I'd planned not to tell them what completely happened in the dream. About the thing with the powers and the part where Sandy was there.

Well, I can't hide it for so long. But I'm just not comfortable yet. I need to tell Sandy first, ask for his help or maybe Tooth's help after..

After a few hours of making sure I was okay and all that, Tooth had gone downstairs to the workshop to tell the boys what I had told her and Sandy..

 "Hey Sandy, can I ask you something?" I asked and he nodded in response.

 "Have you been in a dream before? Well, I know you help make dreams happen but can you actually be in one?" I asked. He stayed quiet and just stared at me. Well, he's always quiet but you get my point..

 "Yes I've been in some. Including in yours, Rapunzel. And I can." He said. But his mouth didn't open up... how come I can hear him? And how can he even speak?

 "I can speak, not in this physical world but in the thoughts and minds of the youth who believes." 

I can't believe it... wow.. But how come--

 "I was only able to appear to speak normally in your dream because it was onlya dream."

Okay. Now this is creepy. Can he read my mind? Is he reading my mind right now? I saw him laughing softly.

 "No, I can't read your mind. I can only talk through it." 

 "But did you--"

 "It's very easy to know what's on the mind of a person based on his or her facial expression, you know." I felt blood rush to my cheeks. Well, that was embarrasing. I thought to myself.

 "So, was it all real then? All of it? Including my powers?" I asked.

 "Well, you'll just have to discover that for yourself, my dear." Well, shoot. Sigh... Oh well...

 "But you've already gotten a part of your dream in this world." He said and turned towards the snowflake Jack had placed earlier on the small desk beside my bed. He picked it up. He made a thin golden lace and attached it on the little snowflake, making it look like a pendant of a necklace. Then he gently handed it to me, shot me a reassuring glance and then headed out the door.

I looked at the snowflake, placed it on my hand and caressed it softly. Is this it? The one in my dream?


Heeeey ma peeps! Lol. Sooooo. Yea.






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