Chapter 20

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The wall was cold against my bare back as I stood there, completely still.

I did not want them to see nor hear me.

They were not allowed to know I was in their presence.

If they found out, it would not turn out nice. For me.

Oh, by the way, I wasn't naked. I just had a backless top on.

People were passing by, looking at me in an odd way. I wasn't going to blame them, because they basically had the right to look at me in an odd way. Because I was standing there in an odd way.

If you had to know what I was doing, I was spying.

I wasn't saying I was good at spying, but I was spying.

Spying on the lovey-dovey couple my brother and his (uhum) girlfriend claimed to be.

They were eating some ice cream while I was a few feet away from them, trying not to get noticed by people. Which I failed at, because like I said; a lot of people were looking at me oddly. But that wasn't the thing I was worried about. Connor and Anna were not allowed to see me.

I wouldn't be surprised if you were wondering why in the world I would be spying on them.

Everyone seems to believe they're in love. Everyone seems to think they're meant to be together. That they finally found their significant other.


It was a complete lie. In Anna's case at least. That was for sure. I was sure. I was one hundred percent sure.

Maybe ninety-nine percent sure.

I was pretty sure that Anna was faking to be in love with my brother.

Plus, Anna was a bitch. So she better be faking it; I didn't want her to be my sister-in-law. Oh god, imagine that.

Connor was laughing at something Blondie said. Blondie giggled with him as their ice cream was slowly melting. They were not minding the people around them, who in fact found them extremely annoying, seeing their faces.

I had been standing here for over twenty minutes and nothing interesting had happened yet. I was not planning to leave yet. First, because I really wanted to find out what Anna was on about. And second, I already wasted twenty minutes of my life standing here against a wall, which was actually kind of hurting my back.

After another ten minutes of waiting in boredom, watching the lovey-dovey barf couple and seeing people stare at me, the couple got up from their seats.

"Finally," I whispered under my breath.

It was about time they got up. God, it's inhuman to take that long to finish an ice cream.

The couple grabbed each other's hand and walked away from the ice cream shop.

Time for action.

I casually looked around me as I smoothly stepped away from the wall I was hiding against.

Well, it would've been smoothly if I hadn't bumped into a little kid holding an ice cream cone.

Great, everything is just freaking great.

And it just had to be chocolate ice cream.

After having to deal with a crying child, an angry mother AND having to pay for a whole new ice cream for the irritating kid, I ran towards the direction Connor and Anna just walked to a couple of minutes ago. But, much to my surprise (note the sarcasm) they were no where in sight.

Connor Franta's little sister ( O2L / Sam Pottorff Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now