Chapter 12

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What? Why? When?

All of those questions were wondering around in my head. Why would Sam do that?

I was debating with myself what to say. What was a good thing to say when someone shows you this? Nothing really. The moment I opened my mouth to say something, Kian entered the room. I quickly closed my mouth, stopping myself from saying anything I shouldn't be saying.

Sam quickly recovered himself, and wiped away the tears in his eyes, which I just noticed he had. Why didn't I notice that before?

Kian eyed us both, but then shrugged and tossed us both a bag of popcorn, which I failed to catch, so it landed on my lap. I jumped up by the feeling of the bag landing on my lap, what made Kian laugh, while Sam and I were watching Kian awkwardly.

Kian let himself fall next to Sam and opened the bag of popcorn, making the smell of salty popcorn enter my nostrils. He grabbed a hand full of popcorn and placed it in his mouth, the crunchy sound filling the room.

I slowly opened the bag, took some out and placed the popcorn in mouth, allowing the salty tast to touch my tongue. As I was slowly chewing the popcorn, Kian was watching Sam and me curiously.

Sam was looking down at the popcorn bag, as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. Kian looked at us with narrowed eyes, probably knowing that something was wrong.

An awkward silence filled the room, but quickly disappeared when Trevor entered the room. He looked at us and gave us a warm smile, what made me smile a little too. Trevor was the best person to cheer you up.

"Hello guys!" He chirped happily, immediately brightening the mood in the room. "Why so sad- Oh popcorn!" He jumped and landed beside me, grabbed the bag from my legs, and ate a handful, what made me look up in surprise. I never really talked to Trevor, but he was so comfortable around me. A little too comfortable.

I was watching him, but still glanced at Sam a couple of times. He was just sitting, not saying anything. The only sound that was heard was Trevor and Kian chewing their popcorn.

I slowly got up, feeling all of their eyes on me. I allowed my feet to walk, as I looked at the beautiful paintings on the walls. I walked over to the bathroom, and locked the door behind me. A sigh escaped my mouth as I sat on the toilet and wipped my phone out. Ready to call one of the most important persons in my life.

I waited a few seconds, as the phone was answered.


"Danielle?" I asked nervously while I played with the hem of my shirt. It has been a while since I talked to her, I missed her so much.

"Chrissie! What's up, girl? Haven't heard from you in a while." Her voice was so cheerful. I noticed a few tears managed to escape my eyes, and I quick wiped them away with the back of my hand.

I sniffled, as Danielle chuckled. "Aw babe, I miss you too."

This confused me. Of course, I did miss her. But I didn't tell her anything yet. "Huh?" I asked confused.

"You're crying aren't you?"

I chuckled and shook my head, even though she couldn't see me. She knew me too well. "A lot has happened." I said, debating with myself what to tell her.

I told her about me and Sam, where she asked if she could have a word with Sam, but I quickly shook it off. I didn't tell her about me cutting, she would've come straight from France to California. I know she would.

"But I'm going to take a shower." I told my best friend.

"With Sam?" She asked, and I could hear the smirk in her voice.

Connor Franta's little sister ( O2L / Sam Pottorff Fanfiction )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें