Chapter 5

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Today was the day we were all waiting for.

This day was going to change my life. Well, not really actually.

This day was the start of this vacation.

We were going to VidCon.


"Chris, hurry up! We're leaving!" Connor yelled.

I quickly grabbed my phone, threw my bag over my shoulder and hurried outside.

It was a very hot day. The sky was bright blue without any clouds. I could hear birds chirping and feel a soft breeze.

Ricky honked the car horn and I quickly ran to the car, "Took you long enough," Kian said as he placed my bag in the trunk. I stuck my tongue out and hurried inside the car.

When everyone was inside, we took off. 

I didn't sleep well last night. The thought of going to VidCon kept me awake. 

God, I was excited!

But now, I was tired and couldn't keep my eyes open. 

Connor seemed to notice, "You can sleep, you know." my brother told me, "It's a three hour drive,"

I nodded while a yawn escaped from my lips. I let my head rest on Connor and closed my eyes, quickly falling into sleep.

My body shook left and right. I groaned and tried to sit in a better position.

I just wanted to sleep.

A person carried me up, and I didn't care. I was too tired to care. It could've been a serial killer, for all I know.

Suddenly, I heared all this screaming. I quickly opened my eyes and looked around. I noticed that my brother was holding me and noticed I woke up.

He gave me a smile, but when he did that, the screams increased. Hundreds of girls were behind gates holding posters and taking pictures.

I panicked. 

What was I supposed to do?

I could feel my heartbeat go faster, and I started breathing heavily. Connor noticed and wrapped his arms more firmly around me. His familiar scent filled my nostrils what made me relax a bit.

I mentally send Connor a 'thank you' note.

We got inside and Connor set me on my feet. I almost tripped, but soon found my balance again. Connor gave me a weak smile and placed his hand on my back, leading me the way. We walked to the administration,  waiting to get our room key.

As we were waiting, I had a feeling that someone was looking at me, so I turned around.

When I did this, I met a pair of blue eyes of a boy around the age of fourteen.  

He smiled and waved at me, while I rose an eyebrow.

I was confused, and I didn't like to be confused. Who was that person, and why was he talking to me?

The boy walked over to me, while I scooted closer to Connor. He extended his hand, "Trevor, member of Our2ndLife."

I nodded and slowly shook his hand, "Christine, Connor's sister."

We got our room key, and the woman behind the counter told us we could all fit in it, which surprised me. 

We all headed to the elevator and waited for it to go to our floor.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as we were in the elevator. I surely wasn't a fan of small spaces. 

Sam opened the door of our room and everyone gasped.

Connor Franta's little sister ( O2L / Sam Pottorff Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now