Chapter 6

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I felt a hand stroking my hair, waking me up immediately. It was Connor.

I was laying on a bed while Connor sat next to me. I was confused, how did I get here?

My brother noticed that I woke up, and I could see a small smile on his lips. "You okay, Chris?"

I nodded slowly, looking around, "What happened?" I asked slowly, my head pounding by every word. It was giving me a headache. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, noticing there were some dried tears on my cheeks.

Connor closed his eyes for a second and sighed, before opening his eyes again, "You had a panic attack." He gulped. "I wasn't there,"

I stared at my brother. 

And I remembered.

I remembered that Mom called me. What she told me. What had happened to Dad.

Dad was in a coma.

Connor noticed me tensing up, and hugged me. I let out a shaky sigh and let go of the hug. I brought my hand to my face to wipe my tears, which had now fallen down my cheeks.

"What happened, Christine?" Connor asked with his eyes serious.

"I saw a spider." I lied. It was a pathetic lie, but that was all I could think of at the moment.

I didn't want Connor to feel the hurt that I felt.

"Lies," Connor said. "what is the real reason?"

A shaky breath escaped my mouth. I had to tell him. He deserved to know what happened to our father.

"It's dad.." I said, not brave enough to look Connor in the eyes. He wasn't to fond of that, since he grabbed my face and made me look at him.

"What happened to dad, Christine?" He almost demanded to know. He was close with dad, not as close as I was, but he was close with him. Closer than with my mother for sure.

"H-he was i-in an accid-dent." I stuttered. Tears tried to escape from my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away before they could fall down.

"What do you mean? What happened?" He let go of my face and stared into space.

"Mom called you, I picked up. She said dad was in an accident and now in a coma." I couldn't stop the tears at this point. Soft sobs escaped my mouth, while my body shook.

I heard Connor let out a shaky sigh and wrapped his arms around me. Connors body was shaking too. When I looked up I noticed the tears on his cheeks.

Connor never cried. The only time I saw him cry before was when he hit his head against the stop sign.

While I was still sobbing, I wiped Connors tears. I needed to be strong for him. He needed someone now.

I wrapped my short arms around his toned body and let him cry in my shoulder, while I cried with him.

After what felt like 5 minutes, Connor let go. "We should go to the rest of the guys, they're probably wondering what is taking us so long." I nodded and sat up. I quickly ran with my hand over my face, as if I could wipe the worries away. But unfortunately, I couldn't.

We went back to the big room in the hotel room, where all the other guys were.

Kian looked up, and soon the rest followed. Sam gave me a worried look and I gave him a little smile to tell him it was ok.

I remembered what Sam did. He helped me, while the rest didn't know what to do. He stayed calm, while I was panicking. I really needed to thank him for that. What would have happened if Sam wasn't there? Connor, Danielle, mom and dad only knew to stay calm when I had a panic attack.

Danielle.. I really needed to call her soon.

"What happened a few minutes ago?" Ricky asked.

I looked at Connor, hoping he could answer for me. He always did, since I was ashamed to tell people that I had a lot of panic attacks.

"Ok guys, listen. Christine has a lot of panic attacks, so if she has one, please don't panic. She can't handle that. So there, you heard it." Connor stood up, grabbed his broken phone from the floor and the room key. He walked to the door, opened it and shut it loudly.

Jc wanted to go after him, but I stopped him. "Don't, he needs time." Jc was confused, but still nodded.

If Connor heard bad news, he always needed time for himself. He was the opposite of me, since I wanted to be with someone if I was sad.

I let out a sigh and sat on the couch.

This is gonna be a long week.

Connor Franta's little sister ( O2L / Sam Pottorff Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now