Chapter 7

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Connor's POV

I was walking around the hotel to clear my mind. People were running back and forth. Girls were screaming, since they saw their idol. Children were crying.

It wasn't the best place to do. But I tried to let it all sink in.

My father was in a car accident. He is in hospital. My baby sister had a panic attack and I wasn't even there when it happened.

I punched the nearest thing next to me, what happened to be a vase. It fell and shattered to the ground.

How could I not be there for Christine. She was in her worst state, while I was buying food.

And when she told me the news, I was crying. A twenty one year old guy was crying in front of his little sister. And the worst thing was that she was comforting me.

It had to be the other way around. I have to be the big strong brother who can do everything. But instead of that, I was broken.

I wiped the tears that had fallen down. Fans were watching me, but not walking over and asking for a picture. Which I was very thankful for.

What would Christine think? That she now had to comfort me?

Suddenly, I walked into someone and fell to the ground.

This was not my day.

I groaned and looked up to the person who I bumped in to.

It was a girl. A beautiful girl. Her long blond hair was flowing around and covered a bit of her bright blue eyes. Her full pink lips were made into a smile, while her blue eyes were looking at me.

I snapped out of my thoughts, and jumped back to reality. I stood up and gave here my hand. She gave me a smile and took my hand to get up. She wiped the dust from her shorts and looked back in my eyes.

"Sorry for that." Her beautiful soft voice spoke.

"It's ok." I said and gave her a smile.

She extended her hand as a sign for me to shake it. I shook her hand, while her blue eyes were looking into my green ones.

"Anna." She said. Short and simple. I liked it.


"Oh, I know who you are." She said and giggled. I raised an eyebrow. That sounded a bit stalkerish.

She must have noticed my confusion, because she face palmed herself.

"Oh my God, that sounded so wrong." I laughed and let her continue. "I mean, you're in O2L, everyone knows you guys."

"Yeah, you could say that." I laughed.

She smiled at me, and I just got lost in those blue eyes.

"Well, I gotta get going. It was nice meeting you." She waved and walked away.

I widened my eyes. "Wait!" I yelled after her.

She stopped walking and turned around, the smile still on her face. I walked over and grabbed my phone out of my pocket.

"Mind if I get your number?"

Sam's POV

I watched Christine as she was watching tv. She was watching Spongebob Squarepants. Her nose wrinkled every time she laughed. It made me smile.

She noticed me and smiled. As I smiled back, she got up and made her way over to me.

"Can I talk to you?" she asked. I nodded and followed her into the bedroom.

She closed the door behind her as I walked over to the beds and sat on one of the beds. She walked over and sat next to me.

I waited for her to speak. She looked up and licked her lips, ready to speak.

"I wanted to thank you." She said as her beautiful green eyes met my brown ones.

"It's nothing real-"

She interrupted me. "No, it is something. I couldn't be able to stop if it wasn't for you. And I want to thank you for that."

I smiled at her. "You're welcome."

She sighed and looked straight ahead. "I know you don't like me and all, bu-"

It was my time to interrupt her. "Wait, who said that I don't like you? If it's Acacia I swear.."

"No, it wasn't her. I just thought." She said and looked down again to play with her shorts.

"Why would you think that?"

She let out a chuckle and looked back at me. "No one likes me. I have no friends. And you don't have to lie, I'm used to people who don't like me."

How could people not like her? She was beautiful, funny and really nice. I would kill people just to be with her.

"I'm not lying, Christine. I genuinely like you." Her cheeks became a light shade of red and she looked down.

I gently grabbed her chin to look back at me. Her head followed my hand as she looked back into my brown eyes.

"A lot."

I leaned closer, and so did she. My breath was becoming unsteady of my nerves. I noticed she was shaking lightly as she came closer.

I could feel her minty breath on my face as we came closer and closer. Our lips were now inches away and I closed my eyes.

As there was a little gap between our lips, the sound of a phone ringing was heard.

We both shot back and I noticed that Christine's cheeks were bright red. But so were mine.

She grabbed her phone and answered, while looking down.

Her voice was filling the room as I was still watching her.

Damn, that was close.

Hey guys
I hope you liked the chapter, this is unedited so bare with me!

I was requested to make a one direction fanfiction! would you guys like that? Comment if you guys would want me to make one.

My friend is making her own fanfiction, but still hasn't got many reads. Will u guys help her out?
I'm following her, so just go to her profile and read and vote her story!

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

I love you guys x

Connor Franta's little sister ( O2L / Sam Pottorff Fanfiction )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang