Chapter 14

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"Christine!" Someone screamed, but I ignored the voice, continuing to make out with this person. It was too nice to go away from. Suddenly, I was pulled away from the boy, and I pouted. I was really liking it.

"What the hell, Christine?" The person screamed. I turned around, to meet the pair of agriest eyes I had ever seen in my life.

I blinked a couple of times, letting my eyes adjust again to the light of the party. My vision was still blurry, but I knew this was the job of the alcohol.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" The boy I just made out with yelled over the loud music, making Connor angrier than he already was.

"What the hell am I doing?" Connor asked, sarcasm dripping of his words. "What the hell are you doing? Do you think you can just make out with my sister? Wh- Who are you? God, I don't have time for this."

Connor was trying to move me away, but the boy held my arm. "I can make out with whoever I want." Connor stept in front of him, the boy was taller than him, but that didn't seem to bother Connor.

"Even when the girl is fifteen?" The boy immediately let go of my arm, while I pouted. Stupid age difference.

I tried to smile at the boy, but he ignored my gaze, which pissed me off. Connor yanked me away from the boy, leading me to a quieter place of the party.

He let go of my arm while I rubbed it, it didn't hurt, but I didn't know what I was doing the whole time.

"The hell, Christine? One party, and you go head and make out with the first person you see? Didn't you realize what he was doing? He touched you! Everywhere! Yo-"

I giggled what made Connor stop talking. "There is nothing funny about this, Christine! What's wrong with you?!"

I shrugged lazily. "I dunno. Chill, dude." I chuckled. "It was just a kiss."

This made Connor furious. "Just a kiss? Just a kiss?! He touched you! You could've been raped!"

I placed my hands on my hips and leaned on my right leg. I walked towards Connor and tapped his nose, making me giggle, while Connor's face stood now confused. "But I wasn't, big bro."

He wrinkled his nose in digust. "You smell like alcohol," Realization hit him in the face. "Someone gave you alcohol," He looked at me and grabbed my shoulders, making me look up at him, while being confused. "What did you have?"

I thought for a while, but then it hit me. I smiled, proud of my self that I could remember what I drank. "Whiskey!" I chirped happily.

Connor's face darkened. "How many?" When I didn't answer, he shook my shoulders. "How many, Christine Alissa Franta?!" The sound of voice made me flinch, I was drunk but still knew that I should probably do what Connor was asking me.

"Uhm," I thought really hard. "Four? Maybe five? I don't know, I forgot." I turned around to get back to my newly made friend, Acacia, but Connor stopped me and turned me back around, making me dizzy. I stumbled a little, but soon found my balance again, and glared at Connor.

"Gosh, Con. You're so annoying, you know that? I'm having fun! Let me have fun!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air for the effect.

"Yeah? Well, you can have fun without getting raped."

"I'll try," I said with sarcasm. "Bye now, I'm going to find Acacia." I turned around again, but Connor turned me back around, making me dizzier than that I already was. "Stop doing that!" I screamed in frustration, rubbing my temples.

Connor Franta's little sister ( O2L / Sam Pottorff Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now