Chapter 2

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My ears were filled with a loud sound, I swallowed, making the sound go away. I groaned and sat up a little to take a look at my surroundings. We were in a plane, Connor was sitting next to me, snoring softly, making me giggle. He looked adorable, something he hated to be called. And so, being the annoying little sister I was, I called him adorable.

"Please fasten your seatbelt, we're about to land." I heared someone say through an intercom. Connor woke up because of the sound and rubbed his eyes.

We fastened our seatbelts and waited for the plane to land on the ground.

The ground slowly came closer and after a couple of mintues, our plane touched the ground. It took a while before the plane stopped riding, but when it did, everyone unbuckled their seatbelts and got up from their seats.

Connor and I stood up as well, getting our bags and waited patiently to exit the plane. The people in front of us were moving slowly, but we got out of the plane after a couple of minutes.

I stretched my arms and did some other stretch exercises, while Connor was watching me with raised eyebrows, "Who's going to pick us up?" I asked Connor.

My brother looked up at the sign in front of us, it was telling us to go to the belt for our suitcases, "Kian." I nodded and we both walked to the belt, waiting for our suitcases to arrive. They luckily arrived very soon, and we walked somewhere, I didn't really know, I just followed Connor.

I looked around, wondering who that Kian person was. I just watched Connor's videos, so I didn't know any of the other collab members.

"Con the bon!" I turned around and saw a really tall guy running towards us. I gasped and quickly hid behind Connor while the tall guy gave my brother a bro hug.

When they were done hugging, the boy kneeled down to my short level and gave me a smile, "And who is this?"

"That's my little sister," Connor told me as I slowly moved to Connor's side.

The guy extended his hand, wanting me to shake it "Kian." he said. I looked at the hand but then moved my gaze to Connor. He nodded reassuringly, telling me it was okay.

I looked back at the hand in front of me and slowly shook it, "Christine." I told him, making Kian smile.

He stood up and turned to Connor, "Let's go!"

The ride to the house was pretty fine. I was in the backseat while Connor was in shotgun and Kian was driving. They were catching up about things I didn't know about, so I couldn't really talk along. Not that I would ever talk along, I was too shy for that.

Kian seemed like a nice guy. He asked me a few questions too, but I just answered with a few words, not going into it any further. He stopped asking after that.

The car stopped in front of this beautiful, big house. Flowers were surrounding the house and the cream colored walls.

Kian and Connor opened their doors and got out of the car. I unbuckled my seatbelt and slowly got out of the car, shutting the door behind me. Kian handed me my suitcases and gave me a little smile, making me smile back.

I decided that I liked Kian.

We got all of our bags out of the trunk and headed towards the front door of this beautiful, big house.

The moment we got inside, another guy wrapped his arms around Connor, making Connor let his suitcase fall out of hands of shock, making Kian and me laugh.

These boys surely liked to hug.

The guy who hugged Connor, noticed me and walked over to me.I quickly looked at my brother, who just nodded at me, I looked back at the boy in front of me as gave me a big hug.

Connor Franta's little sister ( O2L / Sam Pottorff Fanfiction )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin