Chapter 3

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The sun shined in my eyes, telling me to get up.

Freaking sun.

A groan escaped from my lips as I got out of my bed, immediately missing the warmth the sheets gave me. 

My window was open, and I could hear the birds sing while a light breeze filled my room. Although this day was beautiful, I couldn't wait to go back to bed tonight.

A sigh escaped from my lips as I decided to get ready. 

By the time I was ready to go out, it was forty-five minutes later. 

I was way too tired to go out today, but my friends were all in the O2L house. Well, except for Trevor, he would be joining us in Anaheim.

A smile creeped on my face when I thought about my friends. They were, with no doubt, the best friends in the world. Even though there was a big age difference, we still loved each other.

In a brotherly way of course. Well, in my case. 

I yawned before I gave my Mom a kiss on her cheek as I entered the kitchen. She gave me a smile and handed me a bowl of cereal.

"What are you doing today?" My mother asked me, while helping my little brother, Levi, with eating his breakfast. 

I swallowed my food, "Hanging with the boys, Connor arrived today." 

My mother nodded and went further with eating breakfast herself, "Well, be careful."

I gave her a smile, "I'm always careful, Mom."

My Mom gave me another smile and nodded. I quickly finished my food, and excused myself. 

I grabbed my Penny Board out of my closet, grabbed my jacket from the hanger and exited my house, making my way to my friends.

I absolutely loved my friends, I missed spending time with them. We were all way too busy. 

VidCon was gonna be awesome, since we would be all together.

After about half an hour of Penny Boarding, I reached the O2L house. It was a long drive, but hey, I didn't have a car and my friends were worth it. 

I entered the house with the key that was given me, and entered the house, my ears immediately filling with the sound of people screaming. 

I laughed.


Before I could say something, I was strangled in a hug by Connor. I smiled and hugged my friend back, it had been way too long ago since I had last seen him.

We pulled back from the hug, and talked for a little minute. 

But when Connor walked away from me, I couldn't believe my eyes. 

There, next to Jc, was a beautiful girl I had never seen in my life. 

Her brown beautiful long hair was pulled up in a ponytail which swung back and forth since she was laughing. From here, I could see her green eyes sparkle. 

And her figure, damn.

Then she looked at me. 

Wait, where did my brain suddenly go? 

It felt like I was being hypnotized by her gaze. My mind went blanc for a second when she looked at me.

God, she was beautiful.

I mentally slapped myself. 

Why was I thinking like this? I had a pretty girlfriend.

She's a slut, why are you dating her? Something in the back of my mind told me, but I quickly shook those thoughts out of my head. 

Connor Franta's little sister ( O2L / Sam Pottorff Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now