Chapter 15

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I'm literally so sorry for how long it's been since I updated! I had an amazing chapter, but I forgot to charge my laptop, so it shut down out of no where and I lost all of my work. :(. I'm also working on some other stories which I'm really excited about for you guys to read! And I'm super busy in general. But whatever,no excuses, enjoy the chapter!


God, I'm never drinking again.

I woke up with a major headache, like major major. My head was pounding like someone was hitting my head with a hammer over and over. Or like a wreckingball smashed against it. Freaking Miley Cyrus.

I didn't remember much about yesterday night. I had some memories of getting into a fight with Connor, but that was it.

A soft sigh escaped from my lips. I wanted my good brother-sister relationship back. I missed Connor, a lot. I missed the hugs, the laughs and the brotherly-love.

This was not my day. For sure.

"Christine?" I looked up and saw my big brother standing in the door opening, a concerned and angry look on his face. A pretty weird combination if you ask me.

"Sup, Con." I sat up in my bed, making my head pound even more than it did before. If my head didn't hurt that much, I would've laughed. That sentence rhymed.

Connor walked over to me and sat on the edge of my bed, he looked at everything but my eyes, which was pretty weird.

"How are you feeling?"

"Oh, you know. Just peachy."

Connor shook his head, as he looked back to his hands as if they were more fascinating than my face. Talk about being rude.

I sighed as I decided to speak up, if I didn't speak up, no one would and we would still be in a fight, or whatever it was that we had.

"I'm sorry, Con." I said. "I don't know what happened these last few days, but I'm really sorry. I just want you back."

Connor finally decided that it was the time to look into my eyes, which I was thankful for. Normally I would get nervous if someone would look me straight in the eye and I would try to not look back. But now, I wanted him to look me in the eyes, not sure why.

"You never lost me, Chris." Connor said with a small smile, making me smile as well. Let's hope he forgot about me getting drunk and everything would go back to normal.

I scooted over to Connor and wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulders as he did the same.

"Are we cool?" I asked, hoping we were actually cool.

"We're cool." Connor confirmed. I smiled as those words escaped from my brothers lips, everything would finally go back to normal.

"But you're still in trouble for getting drunk."

Damnit, so close.

I immediately pulled back and pouted, making Connor chuckle. It was not the time to chuckle, what had a girl to do to be a free woman?

"Why?" I asked while I threw my arms in the air, but immediately regretting it since the pounding in my head started again.

"Because you got drunk?" My brother said as if it was obvious. "It's like you're looking for trouble."

"I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me."

"Did you just quote Harry Potter?"

"Curiousity is not a sin.. But we should exercise caution with our curiousity." Connor looked at me warily. "Yes, indeed."

Connor Franta's little sister ( O2L / Sam Pottorff Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now