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Ace Pov

I was peacefully asleep until someone was tapping my face, I open one of my eyes and see that Marco was tapping my face

"What?" I groaned

"Come, I need you help." he asked and I dragged myself outta bed. All boys were still asleep but us, I can see the sun up already so they should be waking up soon. Once we left the cabin Marco and I walked to the girls cabin with a bucket and firecrackers 

"Are you gonna prank them?" I asked

"Yes, with your help." he replied

"Okay then." I said and followed him. He quietly opened their door and quickly placed the bucket down and I lit them, we quickly ran out and waited for their reaction. Soon they went off and we heard the girls screaming then ran out the door. Shirahoshi was crying, Ishilly and Camie were calming her down, the rest were straight up angry but the one I didn't see was... Tsume

"Where's Tsume?" I asked

"Don't know, maybe she's already awake." Marco guessed

Nami Pov

I was asleep having a dream having a bath in money, it was wonder until something ruined it. It sounded like gun shots so once I was awake all of us started screaming and ran outta the cabin but one. Once we were out Shirahoshi started crying and Ishilly and Camie were calming her down

"Who the hell did that?!?!" I asked

"It was probably the boys." Vivi guessed

"What's going on!?!" Mr. Roger asked

"The boys pranked us." Robin explained

"They did?" he asked

"Yes, are we aloud to get them back?" Jezaya asked

"... Yes you can but no injuries." he explained and walked away

"How are we gonna get them back?" Vivi asked

"I'm gonna ask Tsume. Shes great at pranking." she explained and ran back into the cabin. She went after her and see how she was gonna wake her since those firecrackers didn't work

"Tsume~~" she sang while pulling her Head-Phones down

"If this is Shirahoshi, Ishilly or Camie I'm sorry, but if this is the others Fuck Off." she said

"But we need your help, the boys pranked us." I explained and she opened one eye

"Anyway the boys pranked us with firecrackers and for some reason you didn't wake up." Vivi explained

"I'm guessing it wasn't all the boys, I think it was just Marco and Ace. Look out the window and look behind a tree." she explained. We all went to the window and saw Marco and Ace talking/laughing

"Those assholes, can you help us Tsume?" I asked again

"Sure why not, I wanna see them suffer anyway." she said and we all started sweat dropping 

"Cool, Tsume-chi is gonna help us." Camie said

"Okay but first I wanna teach them a lesson for messing with Shirahoshi." she said and got up and went out the door. We followed her without making any noise to where the boys were hiding

"Do you think we should go back now?" Ace asked

"Yeah we should." Marco replied but before they knew it Tsume picked them up and carried them somewhere

"Put us down." Marco commanded 

"No, you pranked them. I prank you." she said and then I knew where she was taking them, the lake. This is gonna be so funny, I've got to wake the others

"Wait Tsume, I wanna wake the others first." I said

"Okay then." she replied and I ran off to the boys cabin. I bursted thru the doors and woke them up, I told them what was gonna happen and I they just ran to the lake. Once we were there I saw Tsume about to throw them in

"Hope you have a nice swim." she said and threw them in

"Cold cold cold cold." Ace repeated 

"Next time it won't be the lake, plus the prank war is not over." she replied and walked away

Tsume Pov

After I threw them in the lake I planned that I would make them blue so I when they come back I stayed above their door but hid too. I had a big bucket of blue paint in there too, lucky for me Nami had her Phone on her like me so I called her

"Yo Nami, have they got out of the lake yet?" I asked

"Yeah there coming back to the cabins, why?" she asked

"I'm gonna make them blue." I explained

"Cool." she replied and I think she was telling the others. I waited for awhile but soon saw Marco and Ace soaking wet, which made me chuckle. Soon they were below the door and I quickly tipped the bucket over their head's 

"What the?" they both asked

"And that was for waking them up, Smurfs." I said and walked away with a grin on my face

"We need a shower now." Ace said

"What happened to Ace and Marco?" Luffy asked

"I made them blue." I replied

"Funny." Robin said

"Why are two of the students blue?" Mr. Roger asked

"You said we could get them back, and we did." Jezaya explained

"More like Tsume got them back." Nami said

"Thank you Nami." I said

"You better get changed before the boys come and hug you." he said and we all ran away

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