Big Sister Atami

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[I shall bring Portgas D. Atami into this story since, why not? She's from Big Sister Atami]


"ATAMI!!" I ran up to her & gave her a hug, when I said 'Atami' I heard Sabo & Luffy running over here, they jumped from where they were & gave her a hug

"To many hugs!" & that made her fall backwards

"Atami!" Thatch yelled, we were cresting our bodies onto hers & it seemed like Luffy was crying, poor Luffy

"Can you please stop hugging me now?"

"No." she groaned

"Of course you won't."

"Ah-hem." all  four of us turned our heads & saw Tsume, Mama & Kez standing "Who/Is/She?" they said together, Atami sighed & pried us off of her, with the help of Thatch

"It seems that these three idiots haven't told you about me, my name is Portgas D. Atami. These three older sister." it seems like that were choking on air while us four were laughing our asses

"Now I know how you feel Tsume."


So the party was still going on but some of us were in a room talking, I was explaining to Ace's girlfriend that Ace would never cheat on her

"Unless he's an idiot."



"So you two are siblings?"


"Wait, is this you?" she pulled out a picture & showed it to us two & we both smiled "Yeah it is, that's when I was 17 & he was 16."

"& you had to leave."


"But we're glad your back."

"I know." that's when I got the thought, have the three told their secret to their girlfriends "Ace, Sabo Luffy, I need to talk to you alone."

"Why?" I gave them a stare & they nodded

"Hey Tsume, can you leave us so we can talk to our sister alone?"

"Sure." the three girls walked out leaving us alone

"You guys have to tell them sooner or later."

"About what?" I groaned, I walked up behind Ace & lifted up his shirt so that tattoo would be showing
"I'm talking about this." he pulled his shirt down & said

"We'll tell them later."

"You better, if you don't tell them that your apart of a mafia gang than I'll seriously beat yo asses."
I say as I crack my knuckles

"W-We promise."

"Good, also what are you gonna do with the rest of the money?"

"Money?" Sabo & Luffy asked together

"Nothing." I shook my head & walked out 

Third Person

"Atami can be very scary sometimes."


"Ace, you better tell us about the money later!"

"I won't." the three walked out & outside to see Thatch & Marco jumping into the pool, everyone was laughing & having a great time. Atami was drinking with Tsume & they were chatting away, Atami used her left hand to hold her up & Tsume noticed something on her finger, a ring

"Hey," she pulled her hand & Atami's head smashed on the table


"Sorry, but, this ring." Atami noticed her gaze & chuckled

"Yes, I'm married."

"You are?! to who?!"


[In the story I will make Thatch marry Atami]


"Maybe a couple of months ago, maybe two."

"Why didn't you invite Ace?"

"I did, but none of the three came to the wedding."

"Maybe it was because of school."

"Mm true."

"How come YOU don't go to school?"

"Um... I-" Tsume was waiting for a answer but that never came when Ace walked up to Tsume, drunk
"T-Tsume... my lovely bride."

"Bride?" when she looked back at Atami she was long gone "ATAMI!!"

"Is.. everything alright... Tsume?"

"Everything is fine."

"You suurrreee??"


"OKAY!!" he got up, took another sip from his drink but then accidentally slipped into the pool, everyone started laughing out loud "I'm OK!"

"Sure you are drunk head-yoi."

"Shut it Pineapple!" than everyone started laughing again, Marco started blushing than swam over to Ace & started drowning him

"Not funny anymore-yoi."

"MARCO!!!!" that's when Ace punched his face & started drowning him "ACE!!!!!"

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET PINEAPPLE!!!!" Robin was taking photos of everything with the help of Keisha, they both chuckled when they saw Luffy jump on the both of them

"I saved the day!" they both look at each other before drowning him

"CAN YOU TWO STOP DROWNING PEOPLE!?!?!" they look at Sabo who was near the pool, they both smirk, pull his ankles & now he was in the pool "WHY!?!?!"

"Cause. We. CAN!!!" Tsume rolled her eyes & soon found Atami talking to Vivi, she (Vivi) met her gaze, smile than waved. Tsume did the same & wondered why Atami left without answering her question, she'll find out one way or another

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