Just me & you

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[A/N: Not in that way]


I finally came back from work & was sorta amazed that Atami was able to kick that guys ass in a second, I'm glad she wasn't that hurt. I got on my motorbike & made my way home, when I was home I saw Ace's car, & someone else's 

"Who's here?" I walk into the house & saw the lights to the living room on "Ace? is that you in there?"

"Tsume? yeah its me, also Atami." what is she doing here? I walk into the living room to see bandages around Atami's head & she was chuckling while Ace had a worried expression

"Hey Tsume! Ace was just being a mother & fixing up my head since, ya know."

"Mm, I know."

"Welp, I'll take my leave, Thatch should be worried about me."

"See ya later Atami."

"Bye little bro."

"Stop calling me that!" she looked back at Ace & winked, than left also holding her stomach a little

"What was that?"


"You sure?"

"Yep, positive." I shrugged & went upstairs so I could have a shower, & went into the bathroom, took of my clothes & hopped into the shower. I could hear Ace walking into the room & was pacing in the room, after my shower I put on a white singlet & boxers [Cuz she can] & walked out with a towel around my neck

"Ace are you okay?" I ask as I was also drying my hair

"Y-Yeah also... I asked Atami for a little, help."

"What kind of help?" this time I was little worried

"N-Nothing to serious, but... I wanna take you & me somewhere."


"I want to take you somewhere were we'll enjoy, just you & me spending time together... alone." he whispered 'alone' in my ear which made me blush a little

"You serious, no one else... just me.. & you?"


"Ah.. I don't know Ace." his face expression turn a little worried that might say 'No no no, the plan is ruined.'

"Come on Tsume, I promise you, it will blow your mind. Spending a week with me."

"But we've been together for a longer time than a week."

"Pleeeaassee Tsume!" he gave me this puppy face that I couldn't ignore, it was too cute so I pinch his cheeks "Ow ow ow.."

"Okay Mr. Puppy Face."

"Yay! I will not disappoint you Tsume." he kissed my cheek & skipped into the bathroom leaving me blushing

"Hehe... of course you won't disappoint me Ace." I said as I touched my cheek

~ Morning - Third Person ~

Ace woke up first but very slowly, when his eyes adjusted he saw that him & Tsume's noses were touching & he was able to feel her hot breath, this time she turned around so her back was facing him & he frowned a little

He wrapped his arms around her waist & now his lips were on her neck & his eyelashes were tickling her neck every time he blinked, then he heard a chuckle come from her, a sleepy chuckle

"Very sexy voice." then he heard her groan

"Why is it... hot?" than she yawned

"Maybe its because of me." she turned her head to face Ace & let out another chuckle, she turned around fully & pecked his lips

"Good morning~~"

"Good morning to you to." Ace left her in the bed but than she got up & went downstairs, he had a shower & quickly got change than stumbled downstairs at the smell of pancakes

"I smell something delicious."

"Hehe, did you notice its snowing?" he looked outside & saw indeed, it was snowing [Since its December] 

"Hungry?" he looked at her & saw two plaits with pancakes on them in her hands


~ After Eating - Lazy ~

Tsume hopped into the shower while Ace was packing Winter clothes, just as he was finished Tsume came out & his phone rang, so he walked out


"Yep, everything is ready."

"Thank you Atami, so much."

"If you can't find the hotel ask around & when you get there say MY full name."

"Got it, see ya Atami."

"Good Luck Ace, also tell Tsume I'll work her shift." than she hung up, Atami is very nice to Tsume. I walk into the room & saw Tsume dressed in winter clothes

"Are we ready Ace?"

"Yeah." that's when she had this face, a worried face

"Damn it!"

"What is it?"

"I have work."

"No no, Sanji has it covered."

"Awww, he really is a gentleman." that made Ace get all jealous "Someone is jealous again, but don't worry Ace, you'll always be my gentleman."

"Yay!" he picked her up bridal style & put her in the car, left than came back with their bags & hopped into the car "Ready?"


"LEGO!!" Tsume was looking out the window staring at the falling snow, in her thoughts, snow was very romantic for her. She was leaning on her hand still looking out the window & a smile curled up on her lips, after a couple of hours they finally made it

Ace asked around for where there hotel was & also showed them his phone, they nodded & pointed in the direction

"Come on Tsume."

"Okay." when they found their hotel it looked, fancy looking. They walked in & Ace walked up to a desk where a lady was standing while Tsume sat down

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, my sister booked us a room."

"Whats her name?"

"Portgas D. Atami."

"Oh, there it is. Here is your room key & have a lovely day with your, wife(?)" he put his finger to his lips & shushed her

"That's a surprise."

"Good luck."

"Thank you, Tsume." she got up & carried her bag while Ace carried his, they made it to there room & technically it was also very fancy 

"Why is this place so... fancy!?"

"Who knows." Tsume walked into the kitchen while Ace whispered "Thank you Atami."



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