More Makeup 2

73 8 3

Third Person

"MORE MAKEUP!!!" all the boys yelled, they stared at Tsume & she stared back with a care free expression

"Don't look at me, it was Nami's idea." Tsume said as she laid back on the couch

"Us girls are gonna put makeup on you boys & Usopp, Chopper, Franky & Brook can be the judges who looks more fabulous." all the boys look at each other before nodding slowly "Yay! Jasper!!"

"Oh no." I picked some makeup products & walked over to Ace

"What are you gonna do to my face?"

"I'm not an expert about fashion, but I'm pretty good at makeup."

"Cool." I softly smile, than an idea popped into my head "What if we give them girly names too?"

"That'll be awesome."

"You've got to be kidding me Tsume."

"Nope." Nami pulled out her phone & started playing some music

That's me, I'm confident
Don't want yo compliments
Use common sense
I'm on my Michelle Obama-shhhhhhhhh
Shut yo mouth
Boy I think you know who run this house
I ain't thirstin for no bae...
'Cause I already know watch you trying to sayhey!

You say that you a baller
And I see you trying to holla
But that ain't how I was brought up-next
Working for the money
'Cause that's what my momma taught me
So yo ass better show me some re-spect  

Tsume put mascara on Ace & when he opened his eyes, they popped out like fish "Am I nearly done?"

"I just started." Tsume sighed & pulled out eye shadow "Pick a color." he chose red, she put the eye shadow on & added black into it

"Now choose a lipstick color."

"I choose orange."

"Pout for me." he nodded & started pouting, she put the lipstick on without any out of place & yeah "Now for some blush." she picked a random color & applied that to his cheeks "Let me do your hair now."

"My hair?!"

"Stop sulking, your gonna ruin the makeup."

"Exactly." she sighed as she grabbed some hair ties "Promise you won't make me look to girly."

"I can't promises like that." he pouted 'how adorable' she thought. She pulled his hair back & put it in a small pony tail "One last thing." she ran out, than came back in with a hibiscus flower, she than put that in his hair

"& we're done here, Ava."


Short Time Skip

"We have decided that.."

"Cassidy, Susan.."

"Nami, Jester.."

"Tsume & Ava have won."

"THE JUDGES HAVE SPOKEN!!!" than the four ran out & jumped into the pool

"Hey boys! smile!" they looked over to the girls & they snapped a picture of them "That's a keeper." than the boys started blushing


"No." the boys started chasing after them, Robin was sitting on the couch giggling beside Kez. Mama had the photo who passed it to Jezaya who passed it to Nami, than Cassidy, than Vivi than lastly was Tsume. She ran outside & they followed, she stopped & when they were close enough she stepped to the side & all the boys fell into the pool

"Bye bye boys."

"You got the photo?"


"This is a master piece."

"I know." than all of a sudden Tsume was being hugged by a wet soaking wet Ace "No~~"

"Yes~~ Also." he than put the hibiscus flower behind her ear "Perfection."

"Can you stop hugging me than? I'm getting wet."

"That's your fault for luring us into the pool."


"They look like their having fun."

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