Surprise For Tsume

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Jezaya POV

I look at the calendar on my Laptop and it says October the 29th... *Blinking really fast*... IT'S ALMOST TSUME'S BIRTHDAY. On Halloween we just have a Party, a simple one but now I wanna make this a very Special Birthday and all of her dearest friends will be invited, I just need to tell Ace

"Call Ace." I said into my phone, it started ringing for a while until he picked it up


"Hey Ace, its me Jezaya."


"I wanna tell you something."

"Which is..."

"In 2 days it's Tsume's birthday." 


"Fuck you didn't ask."


"Okay I have a plan Ace."

"What is it?"

"We are gonna through a surprise Birthday for her, a Halloween Party."

"That's gonna be awesome."

"K, call the others a tell them."

"Got it." he said and ended the call, this is gonna be the greatest birthday for you Tsume. Just you wait, I thought and planned shit out


Her birthday is on Holloween and I have no idea what to get for her birthday, I should have asked Jezaya before I hung up, I have to think fast since her birthday is in 2 days

"Hey Ace." that was Tsume

"Don't do that?!"

"Don't do what?"

"Scare me, you came out of nowhere."

"Sorry, so what were you and Jezaya talking about?"

"How did you know I was talking to Jezaya?"

"I heard her name."

"Well, its kinda a secret what we were talking about."

"I get it. If its a secret, I won't bother you."

"Thanks." when she left I went back to panicking about what to get her, maybe when Jezaya calls again I'll ask her what Tsume likes. Great plan Flame-brain, I was yelling at myself until I got a text from Jezaya saying

Annoying_Eavesdropper: Ace meet me at outside of Wal-mart (IDK okay)

Shirtless&Proud: Okay, now or...

Annoying_Eavesdropper: Now idiot!

~ Annoying_Eavesdropper Has Left Conversation ~

Okay lets go I guess, Sabo and Luffy were home as Tsume was on her phone doing something. As I was coming by I saw she was texting Law and Jezaya, I was out the door and went to Wal-mart on Tsume's Motorbike. It was fast so I was at Wal-mart in a flash

"Took you long enough." Law and Jezaya were already there

"How are you two already here."

"We left once I sent the text, and why do you have Tsume's Motorbike."

"It was the first thing I saw and it had the keys."

"She's got to stop doing that."

"Lets just go and get the stuff for her birthday."

"This early?!"

"Come on, its night time so she won't expect it."

"So just a day away, she's really smart and mature."

"I am immature and I always do this for her birthday, she usually forgets her birthday so she's always surprised."

"Sweet than." we entered and started getting a lot of birthday supplies, Halloween supplies and a lot of candy. After that they went into their car as I followed them on the motorbike, next was a Liquor store. Are we seriously going here?! They got out of the car and I followed them, me and Law looked at each other and went in

"Just get rum and some other Alcohol, she loves to drink when its her birthday." me and Law sweat drop before grabbing some random drinks. We paid for them and went back to Jezaya's house, we put the Alcohol in a cooler than put that in a freezer, we put the rest of the stuff hidden and I had to come over again on her birthday early since we're celebrating it at night

I left her house and forgot to ask Jezaya what Tsume might want, I drove home but before I did I went to the store and bought candy since Luffy might yell at me if I didn't

"Hey guys I'm back!" I yelled but no one answered, I walk into the living room and see Sabo, Luffy and Tsume asleep on the floor. I shook my head and emptied the lollies in a bowl and opened a Flake and started eating it, soon enough I heard Luffy wake up

"I SMELL CHOCOLATE!!" I look in the living room and Luffy was running into the kitchen and took the bowl off me. Sabo and Tsume were still asleep, hugging each other and that was pissing me the hell off. Soon they woke up and realized what they were doing, they let go and Tsume rolled away

"Hey Ace, where have you been?" she said like nothing happened

"Just out, getting some lollies."

"LOLLIES!? Where are they?!"

"Luffy took them."

"Luffy, get back her with them!!"

"No!" and she was chasing him around the house

"Where have you been really? you were out like half an hour." he said, plus he was still on the ground

"I was out with Law and Jezaya getting some stuff for Tsume's birthday."

"When is it?!"

"On Halloween."


"Luffy! Give'em here!" they ran back in the Living Room


"I'll tackle you."

"Do it than." soon enough she jumped where she was standing and tackled Luffy, he threw the bowl in the air and she caught it

"Finally." she said and ate one, on top of Luffy

"You meanie, I want one."

"Fine." she handed one to Luffy and he smiled


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