More Makeup 1

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When the movie was finished we all went to sleep, well most of us. I was half asleep since I heard some of the girls laughing, I sighed when one of them came over to me

"You think she'll get mad?"

"Of course she won't, she'll forgive us... maybe." when one of them were about to put something on my face I grabbed their wrist & than opened on eye, it was Nami, Jezaya, Kez & Mama

"What are you guys doing?"

"Putting makeup on everyone."

"You better not put any on me, & make the boys fabulous."

"On it boss." I chuckled, after a couple of minutes of silent laughter & other junk it was finally quiet, sweet. Soon enough I felt arms snake around my waist & someone's head was using my stomach as a pillow, it was Ace




I was awoken by both laughter & yelling, I open my eyes & see the boys rolling on the ground & running around the house saying 'makeup'

"Tsume! was this you?!"

"Why are you pointing fingers at me?" I said in a sleepy voice

"You drew on our faces the last time you stayed at our house." in the corner of me eye I see Nami, Jezaya & Mama creeping away while Kez stayed put

"Look at those three." all the boys looked in the direction of the girls & chased after them, I pulled out a camera & took photos, they were funny

"This doesn't look to bad." Robin said

"Hmm, she's right." Cassidy said

"Well, someone help me make breakfast." Cassidy nodded & we went into the kitchen "Aren't you gonna take that off?"

"Nah." she looked around the house before running back into the kitchen "Where is 'Shirahoshi' & her friends?"

"I just noticed too, maybe she already left."

"A shame."

"Mm." we made pancakes & I swear the whole house went silent, you might be able to her a pin if someone drops one. When we were done I brought out golden syrup & strawberries

"Dig in."


The boys did the dishes while us girls got changed & went into town cause, why not. "Heyboyswe'regoingintotownsowe'llbegonebeforeyouevenprocessthissentence bye~~!!" Mama said very quickly

"What?" they asked 

"You'll never know." I rolled my eyes as I hopped onto my motorcycle

"You wants to ride with me?"

"I will!" Nami said, I gave her a spare helmet & she put it on "To the mall!"

"Alright captain." & we drove off, the others hopped in their cars as they followed us. Nami pulled out her phone & was able to play songs, this women

"Dude, do you have to play that in my ears?!"

".... Yes!"


"Yes." I sighed & carried on driving, we finally arrived at a mall & Nami was squealing 

"What is with you today?!"

"I don't know I just feel... ALIVE!!" she screamed that in my ear

"Stop! please."


"Good, lets go." we all walked in & Nami was going all over the clothes & stuff, I walked away with Robin & the others did their own thing

"So what should we do?"

"Well first we should think what we could get for the boys."

"Mm." we walked passed a store, than walked backwards "Candy?"

"Yes." we walked in & grabbed cotton candy, chocolate & other sweets. I paid for it & we walked out, from afar I saw Nami in a drug store buying makeup, we walked away. We found a book store so we walked in, Robin looked around for books while I sat down

"Why is it hot?"

"Maybe its you hot stuff." I look behind me & there was a man

"No thank you." I stood up only for him to grab my wrist

"Why don't you stay with me sweet heart?" I snatch my hand back & said

"Nigga fuck you." I turn around & I knew he went to hit me or something so I moved to the right, turned around & punched the guy in the gut. He fell to the ground, & didn't move

"Ops." I sped walked away & tried to find Robin

"Tsume, what's the matter?"

"We gotta go."


"We just gotta go." she shrugged & we did

Little Time Skip

We were out of the mall & everyone bought something, we all looked at Nami & she had this weird grin

"What's with that face Nami-san?"

'We're gonna put makeup on the boys."

"Are you serious?"


"If they blame ME for the idea, I'll kill you."

"Okay okay, back to the house!"

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