I Just Know

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Its been a month & a couple weeks now & Tsume went to hangout with her friends so I was pacing up & down, I've been with Tsume for a long time & I... I don't know how to tell her.

"I need help." I whispered, being the dickhead I am I called Atami... again

"Dude, this is like the 50th time you called me."

"I seriously need your help."

"If its about money, go fuck yourself."

"Its not, I want to ask Tsume something." it was silent on the other side of the phone but I could tell she started smiling

"I'm on my way." she said in a serious tone, than about a minute later I was tackled to the ground by her "YOU WANNA MARRY HER DON'T YOU!?!?!"

"W-What gave you t-that thought?!"

"I just know."


"I've known you forever, & ever since I met this Tsume girl I could tell that you wanted to marry her."

"You've got a point there." she got up & sat down on a chair, I did the same "So can you help me?"

"Yes I will, but when you do wanna ask her for her hand, don't do it here."

"I know that."

"No no, take her somewhere very romantic, somewhere that she'll never expect it, & just when your about to leave BAM! That's when you ask her to marry you."

"That's a pretty good plan, but can you help me find a ring?" that made her smile wildly

"Yes!!" that's when I noticed something on her finger

"When did YOU get married?!"

"You just noticed? two months ago."

"Who did you marry?"

"Thatch." that's when I gasped

"No wonder what those letters were."

"What letters?"

~ Flashback ~

"Luffy! whats in your hands?"

"I don't know." we opened the letters & the first thing I saw was marriage "Who is getting married?" it said Thatch & another name but we couldn't see it

"Should we go?" we all look at each other than Luffy tore the letters into pieces

"What the hell Luffy?!?!"

"We wouldn't be going either way!"

~ End Of Flashback ~

"So wait, Thatch is now my brother now?"



"Come on we've got to find you a ring."

~ At The Mall ~

I finally found ring, something not to wow & something not to simple, well with the help of Atami. From time to time she would be tearing up & saying 'I'm so proud of you!' we were about to leave but we both got hungry

"Where is the food court?!" we both yelled, we finally found it & bought a lot of food & Atami was paying for it

"Thank you."

"No problem little bro." I glared at her only for her to laugh "You can never top me." we finished eating & left the food court in a giant mess, this time we were about to leave until... Darcy came

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