Costume Hunt

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Tsume POV

I fell asleep on Luffy since I was still sitting on him while eating the lollies, which reminds me, my birthday is tomorrow. I wonder if he knows, probably he does, Jezaya must had told him about it when he was talking to her yesterday

I woke up & I was hugging Luffy, Ace & Sabo were hugging me but I was able to get out of their grip. I move around & stumble upon a Sharpie, I smirk & grab it. I bent down & drew on their faces, soon enough I saw Sabo get up & I run into the kitchen

I decided to make pancakes & so I pulled out the ingredients, I crack the first egg than another & another. Once putting the wet & dry ingredients together I mixed it together & I put it on the pan, soon enough I heard the boys wake up & first to enter the kitchen was Luffy

"I smell food this time." I started to snicker when I saw the drawings on his face, than Ace walked in & I was trying to hold in my laughter, lastly Sabo came in & I couldn't help it but burst into laughter 

"What are you laughing at?" Ace asked

"Look... look in... in the mirror." I said between laughing, they looked at each other first & burst into laughing before looking at themselves first

"WHAT THE HECK!?!" they finally noticed, they came running in & asked

"Did you do this?!"

"Why would you ask me?"

"Cause you're the only one who hasn't been drawn on."

"I had to okay, I couldn't let the opportunity go to waste." 

"You're lucky I can forgive you, since I love you."


"Same here, but I love the food."

"Oh yeah, there almost ready." 

"Awesome!" Luffy ran out with Sabo trailing behind him, I turned around & something snaked their arms around my waist, it was Ace

"You're gonna get punished for drawing on my face."

"If that punishment is something sexual, you shall not get any pancakes."

"Fine I won't!" he yelled while walking out, I guess there going to wash their faces. I missed being with these guys after the years, I thought & flipped a pancake up in the air

We were now eating the pancakes & Luffy was going on about Halloween, I guess this one doesn't know its my birthday, eh

"So what should we do today?" Sabo asked

"How about go out for Halloween costumes, tomorrow is Halloween."


"I have decided, in the name of Hallowseve [Halloween + Eve = Hallowseve] we shall find a random Halloween costume & buy it for tomorrow."

"Yeah!" we quickly ate the pancakes & got changed than ran outside the house, I hop on my Motorbike but I couldn't find my keys

"Hey where are they?"

"Where are what?"

"My keys, I always leave them here."

"Here they are, I found them inside."

"I must have carried them inside, whoops. Hop on Ace."


"You two take the car, & see if you can catch up." I already started it & was on the road & I heard from back at the house


"Their reaction, its so priceless."

"Keep you're eye on the road!" I look back & see a truck, I turn it to the right side & sigh

"That was close."


Wal-mart Again - Or Somewhere that Has Costumes

Ace & I waited in the parking lot for who knows how long for Sabo & Luffy to get here, I was waiting on the bike until I got a text message

Annoying_Eavesdropper: Hey sis, where you at?

Emotionless&Hot: Parking lot, why?

Annoying_Eavesdropper: I can see you *turns around & sees Jezaya* *both wave*

Emotionless&Hot: Is Law with you?

Annoying_Eavesdropper: Indeed, we're coming over to where you two are

Emotionless&Hot: Okay

~ Annoying_Eavesdropper & Emotionless&Hot Left The Conversation ~

"Hey Ace & Tsume."

"Hey you two."

"What up?"

"YOU GUYS SUCK!!!" Luffy & Sabo finally arrived "You abandoned us!"

"We know, now hurry up." I said like nothing happened


We walked in & I asked where to find some costumes, the lady said on the far right, I thanked her & went to the far right of the building. We saw different kinds of costumes, & the one thing that surprised Tsume was that Keisha & Matangaro were there



"Hey guys, or shall I say gals."

"What up Tsume, hows it going with Ace huh?" Mama teased (that's her nickname)


"What does eh mean?" I asked

"Meh, eh & meh are my answers if I don't wanna say yes or no or maybe."


"So what are you doing here?"

"Its Halloween tomorrow, we're getting costumes."

"Of course." Mama just face palmed, we sweat dropped

"We're doing the same thing & also getting a lot of candy." Kes said (Her nickname)


Us boys went to a different part on where the costumes are & started picking, also I secretly told Luffy & Sabo (again) that her birthday is tomorrow, & if Luffy brought it up we would always hit his head or shush him

Soon enough we found what our costumes & waited for the girls, when Mama & Kes were away from Tsume we told them about her birthday bing tomorrow, they knew but we told them about the party at Jezaya's house

"Hey guys, you done cause I am." that was Tsume

"Yep we are."

"Lets go than." & we left but paid for everything, we went back to Mama & Kes's place & ate some of the candy, once we did me & Tsume left with Sabo & Luffy staying behind being with their girlfriends. On the way back I was thinking about a present for Tsume, I figure it out soon or else it'll be to late & she'll probably hate me

Vacation Started This (Ace x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora