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[A/N: I'M LAZY!! You can think of their honeymoon, while I get to a 'juicy' part. Don't think like that!!]

~ 2 Years - Tsume ~

Its been two years & whats happened was that most of the couples are now married, yay! Atami & Thatch have a kid & her name is Snow, she's about 2 years old & she's adorable

Now I'm at Sanji's restaurant working, well cleaning since it wasn't opened yet. We have to get to his 'store' early so if we were late... we were fucked. I was cleaning a table until my stomach started to growl 

'Oh no, not again.'

I stopped what I was doing & dashed to the bathrooms, I threw my head over the toilet & spewed out my breakfast

"Let it out sis..." that was Jezaya, she lifted my hair up while I was still vomiting, when I was done I said

"I feel like shit..." she rolled her eyes as she carried me to a private room [yes, Sanji has a room like that]

"How long has this been going on Tsume?"

"A couple of weeks maybe." she groaned 

"Does Ace know?"

"Maybe, maybe not." she then sighed, she left but then came back with Cassidy

"She's probably sick Jezaya."

"Being sick doesn't take a couple of weeks."

"Oh... maybe I know something." she pulled out her phone & dialed a number 

"Who are you calling?"

"Just wait." it was ringing, ringing, ringing until someone picked up


"Its me Cassidy."


"She's been puking for a couple of weeks."


"She is?! is that how you felt?"


"Okay, I'll tell her. Thanks."

"..." then she hung up, she looked like she was going to explode 

"Who were you talking to?"


"So? what did she say?"

"She says... you might be pregnant." we look at Jezaya & see that she fainted, than she shot up & started hugging me

"I'm gonna be a auntie!!"

"Not unless you kill me with this hug!!"

"Oh sorry, but I'm gonna be a auntie!" she spun on her heel away while Cassidy came up to me

"You should probably see a doctor to see if its... true."


"Also tell Ace about it." I nodded, Sanji let me have a day off as I drove home on my motorbike. When I walked in Ace wasn't home, I shook it off & changed my clothes. After I was done I left to the doctors, I quietly waited as I stared at my phone. The first name I saw on my contact list was... Ace, I gron

"Tsume? Portgas D. Romana Tsume."


"Please follow me." I nodded & got up, I follow the 'nurse' to the doctors room & when I saw there I saw someone I knew


"Tsume! long time no see." she hugged me & I hugged back "So what brings you here Tsume?"

"Lately, I've been feeling puky sick."

"Is that all?"

"Its been like that for a couple of week." she nodded & hummed in responds, she got up & looked around. Finally she came up to me & gave me something

"Its the pregnancy test, all you have to do is--"

"Yeah yaeh, I know how to use it."

"Okay, here." she gave me the test & waved me goodbye, but before I left I heard "I'm gonna be a auntie." I walked into a bathroom & did my business on on it, it was still processing  but when it was done my eyes widen

'EEEEEEHHHHHHH!!! I'M PREGNANT!!!' I started pacing around in the room while thinking, what is Ace gonna think when he's a father now I left the bathrrom, & rushed into my car [since she brought a car this time] I look down & touch my stomach

"Okay, kid... or maybe kids. Your living inside my stomach, that isn't fun for me. So, I'm hoping you can make me & Ace happy, or maybe make Ace extra happy. I hope that you'll be a wonderful child."

'I still need to think of names though.'

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