I Got In

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Tsume POV

I remember I was in Ace's house with his two brothers Luffy and Sabo, that idiot Sabo tried to Smack Cam me but failed. I wake up but being hugged by three childish boys, Ace was hugging my waist and was facing me. Sabo was hugging my neck, Luffy's was just hugging my stomach and my arms were around Ace's neck

"Your awake." Ace whispered

"You are too." I said and our nose's were touching

"This is fun being with you." I said

"Its fun being with you." Ace said and I felt Sabo hands go down to my stomach and then tighten his grip, same with Luffy

"Shisus.(Shit+Jesus= Shisus)" I whispered/yelled

"Whats wrong?" he asked

"They tighten their grip." I replied

"Just leave them, they'll loosen their grip. Eventually." he replied and I nodded then he fell asleep, again

"You sleepy weirdo." I muttered and Sabo and Luffy loosen their grip, he was right. I get up and find my phone was on the table, I picked it up and saw that I had a text message from University I've always wanted to go to, it said

"You Tsume Romana has gotten into University Of Otago, (AN Chose a random one.) You are very Intelligent and Strong, we would like you to stay in New Zealand for 3 years if you can. On Thursday the 20th of September we would love you to come."

"Omg Omg Omg, yes yes yes yes." I was so happy that I finally got in

"Tsume, is that you?" that was Ace

"Yeah, it is." I replied

"What happened, you look happy." Luffy said

"I finally got into my dream school." I replied and showed them the text message

"We're so happy for you Tsume." they all said and hugged me

"Thank you." I said and hugged them back "But I have to be there for three years." I said breaking the hug

"We'll be okay, just go to your University. We can always use Skype." Ace said

"I'm glad you understand." I said and kissed his cheek. I'm finally got into this school, but I have to leave Ace and Jezaya and all my new friends. But in three years I'll be back, I'm gonna miss these goofballs, my sister, my friends but I'll get use to it

"Wait, what day is it?" I asked

"Um, I think its Wednesday 19th of September." Sabo said

"Ah shit, I have to leave then." I said

"Why?" Luffy asked

"I have to be there on Thursday the 20th of September." I explained

"Let us help you." Ace suggested

"Thanks, book a flight for me. Either one of you's, please." I asked

"I got it." Sabo said

"Ace you drive and Luffy, fingers cross I'll make it in time." I said and he nodded

"I booked your flight but we have to hurry, it leaves in an hour." Sabo explained

"Lets GO!" I yelled and grabbed my suitcase from the camping trip

Time Skip - At The Airport -

We were at the Airport and I had to leave straight away but before I left I gave all three of them a kiss on the cheek but gave Ace a BIG hug. I waited until my plane was called up and when it did I bluh bluh this and bluh bluh that then I was in the plane

Until we meet again in 3 years

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