A Wedding Dress

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~ 2 Weeks Later - Tsume ~

Everyone was so excited for me & Ace, heck even Atami was crying over the fact that she was getting a new sister, Sabo & Luffy had to calm her down from time to time... to time... to time it doesn't matter! Ace was on his laptop trying to find a perfect place for the wedding while I was on the internet looking a dress

"Hey Tsume, I might have found a place."

"Really? where?" he turned the laptop towards me than asked

"So what do ya think?"

"Its perfect, Grand Line Lake. Where it all began, & the snow will make it romantic."

"Yeah, I still need to choose a best man."

"How about Marco? or Sabo."

"Hmm." he was tapping his chin than soon lit up "How about both of them?!"

"Go for it." that's when the someone knocked on the door "That must be the girls." I got up, got my bag with my wallet & walked to the front door

"Where are you going?"

"Dress shopping, for a Wedding Dress."

"Okay, plus I'll also be out so I can get a tux." 

"Cool, see ya later Ace."

~ Wedding Dress Hunt ~

We were in a van & Mama was driving with Atami next to her, Nami was saying that she knew who Ace's 'special' friend was

"Okay, who is she?"

"She?! I thought it was a he!?"

"Well who did you think it was?"

"I thought it was Thatch!" that made Atami chuckle

"Wait... its you isn't it."

"Hmm what?"

"Your the one that gives Ace the money."

"Yep, I am. Ever since he asked for money for a house & said it was for his 'girlfriend' I wanted to help you & him to become 'more' than girlfriend & boyfriend."

"Wait wait wait! so you paid for the Beach House! & the trip to Drum City?!"

"Yeah, & the ring. That's another reason why you saw me in the Mall weeks ago."

"No wonder!"

"Atami!! give me some of your money!!"



"No." that made Nami growl, she pulled Atami out of her seat & started to strangle her "Doing... this... will only... make me not... give you... money!" we were all laughing at how blue Atami's face was

"Okay, I'll stop." Atami was taking deep breaths while holding her neck

"Thank... you..." she wheezed

~ Vinka Design ~ 

We were at the Wedding Dress Store called Vinka Design & all the dresses were beautiful, I let them pick the Bridesmaids dresses while I myself went to look for a Wedding Dress. I ask the store clerk if their was something that would look, perfect for me

"I might, have a dress for you."


"Yes, & it'll look wonderful on you."

"Thank you." & I give her a hug

"Follow me please." I nodded & followed her, soon enough she showed me a strapless white dress that reached to the bottom "Try it on." I went into the fitting room & when I came out I looked in the mirror 

"This looks really nice, I'll take it."

"Hey Tsume! where are you?!" that's when they all saw me in the dress, & started to tear up

"So ah... what do ya think?"

"What do 'I' think? I think that my little sister is very beautiful."

"Don't cry, cause if you cry I might cry."

"I've never seen you cry!"

"Exactly." she glared at me before saying

"Some of us picked a dress & we want you to choose." only a few of them chose a dress, some of them were a bit to 'wow' but when I saw Keisha, I really liked it

"I have to go with Keisha's." it was light blue, strapless & also reached the bottom


"I'll take 8 of these dresses please."

"Lovely choice, & I think you'll be taking the dress too." I nodded

~ With The Boys - Ace ~ 

We were currently in this Tuxedo place & the guys went to go find their own, same goes for me. Some looked nice, some were weird & others were very simple

"What is it that your looking for? for a Date, Dance..."


"Hmm, come with me." I shrugged & followed him, he gave me a suit & pushed me into the changing room. I put it on & walked out, it had a light orange undershirt with a black tie

"I like it, I'll take it."

"Great choice sir." that's when I got a text message

Emotionless&Hot: Hey Ace~~!!

Shirtless&Proud: Hey Tsume

Emotionless&Hot: Tsume? this is Jezaya

Shirtless&Proud: Why do you have her phone?

Emotionless&Hot: Mine died

~ Annoying_Eavesdropper Has Joined The Conversation ~

Annoying_Eavesdropper: Your phone died my ass, you stole my phone 

Emotionless&Hot: Cause I couldn't find mine!

Annoying_Eavesdropper: It was in your bag idiot

Emotionless&Hot:Sorry Ace if we bothered you or something

Shirtless&Proud: No worries Tsume

Annoying_Eavesdropper: Okay, see ya later

Emotionless&Hot: Bye bye

~ Emotionless&Hot & Annoying_Eavesdropper Have Left The Conversation ~

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