Party Games Part 1

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Tsume Pov

On our way back to the lake me and Jezaya sat next to each other since I don't trust the boys, but I do trust Law a bit. Me and Jezaya were talking about how she knew, I guessed she was eavesdropping again and I was right. The whole ride back I had a feeling someone was watching me, creepy. I always turned around but saw no one, I guess I was just going a bit crazy.

When we arrived we saw the others dancing to the song I'm Glad You Came, so sweet since Sanji was having fun dancing with the girls.

"Hello Ladies." I called out to them

"Heya Tsume." Nami called to us

"Hey Tsume and Jezaya." Vivi yelled

"You've changed a bit Tsume, your smiling." Robin stated 

"True." Jezaya said

"Hmm." I hummed

"So, who was teaching you to dance?" Zoro asked

"Mrs Violet over there." Robin explained and pointed to her

"Cool." I replied

"Your back Mr. Roger, we were just finishing up." she explained

"Okay Mrs Violet." he said and she just walked off. (A/N IDK okay, I wanna get to the good part.)

"Sanji and Jezaya, since you two are great at cooking you'll be making the food again." Mr. Roger explained

"You got it, come on Sanji." Jezaya called

"Coming Jezaya-san." he replied and followed her

"Man, will Sanji-chi ever stop being... Sanji-chi?" Camie asked

"Nope." I replied and we started laughing

Time Skip- I'm bored okay, bear with me

Sanji and Jezaya were cooking together again while Luffy and Ace started drooling again which made me giggle a bit. I went into the kitchen and went into the fridge to find, whip cream. *Pop* IDEA!! Smack Cam, I thought inside my head but, not right now, at a good moment I will smack my target

"Tsume! what are you doing in to fridge??" Jezaya asked

"Smack Cam." I whispered in her ear "But not yet, until me have to leave."

"Awesome." she replied and left

"Great plan." I said to myself and left

"Okay, foods ready." Sanji called out

"YAY, I'm starving." Luffy said

"We all are Luffy." Nami said

"Sorry to keep you waiting Nami-san." Sanji apologized 

"No worries Sanji." I replied

"Thank you Tsume-san." he said

"Can we stop talking and eat?" Luffy asked

"Sure." I said and he had a big smile on his face. We all started eating and once again their food tasted amazing, Luffy kept on stuffing his face in but Nami slapped the back on his head and yelled 'Stop Hogging The Food!!' Luffy and Ace are a bit the same but Ace fell asleep while eating food which was, weird. I was eating beside Shirahoshi and Vivi with them talking about playing games after eating

"So guys." Vivi started off "After we finish eating we should play games." 

"Like what?" Zoro asked

"It better not be Truth or Dare." I said

"No, Truth or Dare takes to long. Something else which that we'll all have fun." Shirahoshi added

"Okay then." I replied

"What should we play then?" Jezaya asked

"How about....... Never Have I Ever?" Ace asked

"Yeah that's a great game." Marco added

"Okay then, we'll play that." Nami said. We finished eating we all sat around the so called fire that was lit by Mr. Roger

"Okay lets get this started." Vivi said and we all had five fingers out

"I'm first!" Luffy shouted "Never Have I Ever, been surfing." unfortunately I put my pinkie down and Jezaya put her thumb down

"When?" Robin asked

"Summer holidays, got bored decided to go to the beach and started surfing." I explained

"Cool, me now. Never Have I Ever, got in trouble by the police." Ace said. I was the only on who put my finger

"What, When!?!?!" they all asked

"I was a bit stupid, and I think I was drunk when I did this. I slapped him in the face and he gave me a warning since he found out that I was drunk." I explained to them

"Wow, you got guts." Zoro said

"My turn, Never Have I Ever stole money from by parents." Vivi said. No put their fingers down and Vivi looked a bit sad

"Never Have I Ever drowned." Hatchan said. Ace, Robin, Marco, Luffy and Law put their fingers down

"Next me, Never Have I Ever jumped off a roof into the snow." Jezaya said. Me, Ace, Luffy and Marco put our finger's down

"Your an asshole and a wimp Jezaya." I said to her and my thumb and middle finger were the ones up

"Okay my turn, Never Have I Ever put make up on a dog." Marco said. Nami and Vivi put their finger's down. The game went on till Luffy won, which was weird and Shirahoshi suggested another game called 'Baby do love me?'

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