There's Still School?!

116 9 6

Third Person POV

There was bottles of Alcohol everywhere & everyone in the room smell like a bar, Chopper & Robin got up first & started to clean up. After a couple of hours cleaning they managed to get everything cleaned up, even everything outside, than everyone started to wake up

"My head fucking hurts."

"Same here."

"While you guys we're asleep, me & Chopper-san cleaned up."

"You guys didn't have too though."

"But we wanted to."

"Anyway, what time is it?"


"& what day is it?"


".. We're gonna be late for School!!"

"What?! we still have to go to school?!"


"Fuck man."

"Hurry up!" Ace helped Tsume up & soon Jezaya pulled all the girls into her room so they could use her clothes. Once they got changed they ran out the door, Ace & the other boys drove home & got dressed & met each other again at school 

When Tsume walked to her locked she opened it to only find some love notes & hate notes, she tilted her head & red the love notes, some said

'I love you Tsume.'

'You're so so beautiful'

Next were the hate notes

'Stay away from Ace Bitch.'

'You & you're slutty friends better back away from Ace, Sabo & Luffy.'

'Law is ours, tell you're shitty sister to back off.' an irk mark formed on her head & inside she was more than pissed, but on the outside she put on an bored expression. Calm down, you're back here again & you don't want to cause any trouble. She started to calm down until she head crying, it was Keisha & she was running towards Tsume than she hugged her

"Are you okay Keisha?! what happened?! did someone hurt you?! Did Sabo hurt you?!"

"No *sniff* S-Sabo didn't d-do anything. *Sniff* This d-did." she handed Tsume a note & she red it, Tsume couldn't calm down anymore, this note said

'Fuck off you slutty bitch, go back to you're shit country & stay there.' Tsume gritted her teeth & tore the note into pieces than pulled out her phone

Emotionless&Hot: Mama get yo ass over here!!

Loud_Yet_Funny: Why & where you at?!

Emotionless&Hot: Kez is crying & at my locker!

Loud_Yet_Funny: WHAT!?!

~ Loud_Yet_Funny Has Left The Conversation ~

"KEZ!" Mama came over & hugged her "What happened?!"

"*Sniff* Someone g-gave me a h-hate note & told m-me to go back t-to New Zealand."

"We need to find those bitches!"

"I know, Kez we'll settle this. We don't want to see you sad anymore."

"Thanks you guys."

"You should also tell Sabo about this, but also tell him what I told you."

"Got it." & on cue that bell went, they all had the same classes & to surprise them, so did Cassidy. They had History & their teacher was Miss Olivia, Robin's mother, though out the period Cassidy, Tsume, Keisha & Matangaro got most of the answers right

Vacation Started This (Ace x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang