Party Games Part 2

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Third Person Pov

"How to play is that the person who is it, they have to sit on someones lap and say 'Baby if you love me, smile.' and they say 'I love you baby, but I can't smile.' and if they smile there it." Shirahoshi explained

"Okay then, Tsume your it." Nami declared

"Why?" Tsume asked

"Your emotionless, you wouldn't smile if anyone sat in your lap." she said

"True." she said and got up. Tsume walked over to Law and sat down and said "Baby if you love me, smile." she asked

"I love you baby, but I can't smile." he replied but ended up smiling anyway. His target next was Shirahoshi "Baby if you love me, smile." he asked "I love you baby, but I can't smile." she said but started smiling, she walked over to Ace and said "If you love me baby, smile.""I love you baby, but I just can't smile." he said with a serious face but it turned into a smile

Soon he walked over to Ishilly and sat on her lap and asked that same question, she replied with the same answered and she didn't smile, he then walked over to Nami and sat on her lap

"Baby I love you, so can you smile?" he asked "I love you baby, but I just can't smile." she answered but then started giggling so she stood up. She sat down in Marco's lap and he tried to keep his cool

"Baby if you love me, smile.""I love you baby, but I can't smile." he replied but stood up since he smiled and did the same thing to Robin, she replied but chuckled in the end. Soon she asked Sanji but he smiled when she sat down

Time Skip Like 3 Minutes

The game was soon over and Vivi just wanted to play Truth or Dare, they all agreed to play but it couldn't be telling them who they like

"Okay Usopp, Truth or Dare?" Vivi asked

"The Great Usopp chooses Dare." he replied

"Okay Usopp I Dare You to find something rotten, and eat it." she dared

"Oh god man." Usopp said and walked off and found a rotten banana skin, he walked back and ate it in front of them, he looked like he was gonna puke so he ran off into the forest and puked there

"Damn Vivi." Tsume said

"Okay I'm back, Nami Truth or Dare?" he asked

"I choose Truth." she decided

"Okay, why are you friends with Tsume?" he asked (A/N IDK okay, geez.)

"I'm friends with her because I know she'll have my back." she replied and gave her a hug

"Okay okay enough with the hugs Nami." she said

"Sorry," she said and let go"Hmm... Marco, Truth or Dare?" she asked

"I will do a Dare." he replied

"Okay, I Dare You to go call a random person and say your name is 'Pineapple Head.' she explained and they all started laughing

"What, I hate you Nami." he said and pulled out his phone and called Haruta

"Yo Haruta." he said

"Hey Marco." he replied

"No my name is Pineapple Head." he explained and heard Haruta laugh out loud

"Okay I'm done." he said and hung up "Ace, Truth or Dare?" 

"Dare my brother!!" he yelled

"I Dare You to let me draw on your face." he said and pulled out a permanent marker

"Ahhhh, fine." he replied then Marco drew a mustache and made his right eye black

"Damn, he looks like a rich person." Nami said

"Thank you." Ace said "I choose... Tsume, Truth or Dare?" he asked

"I will also do a Dare." she replied

"Hmm," he hummed until Marco leaned into his ear."Kiss her on the cheek but first tell her to close her eyes." Marco explained and Ace nodded 

"I Dare You to close your eyes for 30 Seconds." Ace explained

"Wow what a great dare." she said and covered her eyes with both her hands. Ace walked up to her with his rich face mustache on and kissed her cheek, they all noticed what he did and looked a bit shocked to see her blush like crazy

"W-what was t-that for?" she asked

"Don't know." he replied

"I'm just gonna go, walk in to the forest for awhile." she said and walked off

"Wait Tsume, come back." Ace said and ran after her

"Well that's awkward." Nami said

"Mmh, should we carry on or stop?" Robin asked

"Carry on." Luffy answered

Tsume Pov

As I walked into the forest trying to forget on what happened but how, it just happened a few seconds ago. Ace called after me but I just ignored him and kept on walking till I found a tree that was sitting on a cliff. I went there and waited for who knows how long

"Tsume." that was Ace "Tsume I'm--" before he could finish I said

"Save it."

"But Tsume, I wanna apologize to you." he said

"Apologize than leave." I said and without looking at him

"I'm sorry for kissing your cheek." he said and sat next to me

"I told you to leave." I shouted

"But I don't wanna." he said but I looked away. "Listen Tsume, I wanna tell you something." 

"If its that you like me, I already know." I replied

"What, did Marco tell you?" he asked

"No, Jezaya was EavesDropping again." I explained

"Should of known." he said it made me giggle "So Tsume, do you like... me?" he asked

"Hmm... you could say, yeah I do." I said and he started smiling

"Yeah, I thought you would of rejected me." he said and started hugging me, he didn't let go so I hugged him back

"So um Tsume," he lets go of me "You wanna go back?" he asked

"Nah, lets sit here and enjoy the moon light." I replied and he nodded

Little Time Skip

We decided to go back since it was getting late, we saw the fire was out so they must of went to sleep. We went to our cabins but before we left I gave Ace and kiss on the cheek

"That was from before." I said and winked at him *Invisible sparkly dust* Once I was in the cabin I saw all the girls squealing 

"Whats the matter with you?" I asked

"We saw you kiss Ace's cheek." Nami explained


"You like him?" Vivi asked

"Maybe." I replied and they all started hugging me "This is getting old." I said

Ace Pov

When see kissed my cheek she winked and I started blushing, I turned around and walked into the door. I opened the door and all the boys were piled on each other

"What are you's doing?" I asked

"There EavesDropping." Law said while reading a book. There just as bad as Jezaya. I thought

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