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(AN!: My version of the invasion from TMNT 2012).

The invasion had started. There were Kraang everywhere. April's friend Irma had just betrayed her, and we all learned that she was a spy from the Kraang. Master Splinter said you all had to escape while you could. Raph and Casey was out somewhere in the city looking for Karai who was mutated. Leo, Donnie, Mikey, April and you ran through the sewer tunnels with many Kraang following. After running for a while all of you had split up somehow, Leo and Mikey went one way, Donnie and April another, and you ran one way alone. When you got out of the sewers and up to the surface, you was met by several Foot bots. You have been training with Splinter, the turtles and April for a long while now so you was ready to fight them off.

YOU: Ready to get knocked down, Foot bots?

Then the Foot bots started to attack you, but you dodged easily. You used your weapen which was twin tantos (AN!: Like smaller version of the Katana blades or something like that), and cut through them. After a while of fighting you was met face to face with Shredder and his little team of Tiger Claw, Fishface and Razhar.

SHREDDER: Foot clan, I demand you to go through that tunnel and search for the turtles and the rat, and destroy them!

FISHFACE: What about the girl, master Shredder?

SHREDDER: I will take care of her by my self.

When he said that it made you shiver, and you got kinda scared even if you tried your best to not show it and stay as strong as you could. You knew there was no way you could beat up the Shredder alone, but at least you could keep him busy for a little while so the others would get away and you wanted your revenge. Yeah, that's right, revenge. You met the turtles when they saved you from the Foot clan after they had kidnapped you, used you as hostage and you had been badly beaten up by them.

SHREDDER: You foolish girl! You don't stand a chance against me.

YOU: I don't care. And you are the foolish one here!

Shredder attacked you, and you started to fight him. You could dodge a few of the attacks but not all, and he dodged most of your attacks but not all. But the ones that you made on him. Shredder was laughing his evil laugh, and you frowned. Then his people got back from the sewer tunnel.

TIGER CLAW: There were no sign of the turtles, master Shredder.

Then Shredder took one last hit, and he had knocked you out cold. You was unconcious. Shredder picked you up, and found your T phone.

SHREDDER: I know where they went. They went to the red haired girl apartment. Let's use this one as bait and bring them out so we can finally destroy them all!

- In April's apartment -

Leonardo and Mikey just made it to April's apartment, to see that Donnie and April was already there with her dad.

LEONARDO: Where is (y/n)? She didn't go with you guys?!

DONATELLO: No, I thought she ran in the same tunnel as you. So then she is not with you guys?

LEONARDO: Oh my gosh! This can't be happening! She must have run out the north tunnel! Alone!! This is my fault! Let's hope she found Raph and Casey so she will get here safe!

The door burst open as Raph and Casey ran in and closed the door behind. No you in sight.

LEONARDO: Is (y/n) with you guys?!

RAPHAEL: No, she was with you guys. What are ya saying? Is she gone?!

LEONARDO: Oh no! She is still out there somewhe.......

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