A cold

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Y/n = Your name

- Your p.o.v -

Today was a terrible day. I woke up around 5 AM about five days ago, coughing. I was coughing non stop and it felt like I was about to cough my lounges out and break a few ribs. My throte was sore and my nose was blocked. Yep, I was down with cold. I didn't make it to (school/work) all these days. I haven't been out since and I needed to get out. I needed some fresh air and more importantly, I wanted to visit my friends, the turtles.

I dressed up and left my apartment. It wasn't that cold outside in New York today, but it wasn't that hot either. It was early and the streets of New York was crowded as usual. I walked to the alley where the manhole I use to go down to the sewer is. I sit on a bench waiting for the coast to be clear before I go down.

It sure took me an hour or so before I could go down to the sewers becuase of the crowded streets, but I was now walking through the tunnels on my way to the lair. When I entered the lair, there was nobody in sight. I heard grunts and weapon clinging, which meant they must be in the dojo training. I decided to just go lay on the couch waiting for them to finish.


I opened my eyes a little after feeling someone shaking me lightly. I must have fallen asleep.

LEONARDO: Hey, Y/n, wake up.

YOU: Huh? Leo?

LEONARDO: Why aren't you at (school/work)?

YOU: I'm down with cold. I have been home for the past five days. Thought it was time to get out.

LEONARDO: You look like you haven't gotten much sleep. Come on.

Leo picked me up bridal style and walked towards his bedroom. I blushed and felt my belly do flips. I have had a crush on Leo for as long as I have known him. I don't question him why he is carrying me, I just follow his orders. In his room he laid me down in his bed and covered me with his blanket.

LEONARDO: You can sleep here, I will take care of you. I will bring you some medicin and some ramen soup.

YOU: Thank you, Leonardo.

LEONARDO: For what?

YOU: For always being so caring and sweet.

Leo blushed and smiled. I quickly fell asleep in his big and comfy bed. I barely hear him let out a chuckle.

LEONARDO: Anything for you.

Then I swear I could feel soft lips gently pressed against my forehead.

LEONARDO: Sweet dreams, beautiful. Get well soon.

TMNT: Leonardo one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now