Nobody messes with what's his (REQUEST)

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REQUEST FOR: AlexandriaMaxwell86 (Wattpad)
You were sitting on the roof top of a tall building with your boyfriend Leonardo, just enjoying the view. You were resting your head on his shoulder as he had his muscular arm around your waist to hold you close to him. It was the perfect way of ending your date with him. Just sitting there to watch the sun go down over New York City. "We're being watched." Leo says all of the sudden. You felt a bit scared as Leo quickly got up and you along with him. He looked around everywhere, but didn't see anything just yet. That until a Foot clan shuriken was thrown your way, but he got you away just in time. "Leo, what's going on?" To say you were scared and in fear would be and understatement. Foot ninjas started to jump to the roof you two were on. Leo didn't answer you, but got in front of you to protect you. He took out both his katanas ready to fight. The Foot ninjas started to attack and get on Leo. He took them out with ease, but you saw many more was coming your way. Master Splinter had been training you for a while and he had given you a weapon, which was a tanto (a smaller kind of a sword). You took it out and got in a stance. Now a few Foot ninjas came for you and you started defending yourself. "Y/n, get away as fast as you can!" Leo yelled, but it was too late. There's too many Foot ninjas around you and you had nowhere to run. "Leo!" You yelled as one of the enemy kicked out the weapon of your hand and another of them used a lazer tazer (is that what they're called? lol) and gave you an electric shock through your body. "Aaaaah!" You cried out. "Y/n!" Leo yelled and tried to fight his way through the croud of the Foot clan, but it was too late. "We have the girl. Yes, we will be at the headquarter in 10 minutes top." One of them said in a phone. Then they left.

Leo was beyond furious. He had called his brothers for back up and they came driving with their truck and picked the leader in blue up. "They got her and are on their way to their headquarters, now drive! We don't have much time." He said in a strict and demanding voice. Donnie nodded and drove in the direction of their HQ. "So fearless, what's the plan?" Raph asked from the back of the truck. "We get into the HQ, find out where Y/n and then kick some ass." Leo simply said. Raph smirked at the idea that he was gonna get to beat somebody today and since their enemy was messing with his family, he's gonna beat them extra hard.

The brothers arrived at the Foot clan head quarters and barked a few blocks away so they wouldn't get caught. On the inside you were in some kind of a lab, tied to a chair. They haven't hurt or touched you yet, but knew something would happen soon. "There she is bro's." Mikey whispered to his brothers and Donnie turned to look at Leo. "I got an idea..." But Donnie was cut off by Leo. "No, I got an idea. Let's jump down and kick ass!" He didn't sound much like himself, but that's because he was beyond mad. They all jumped down and started to fight the Foot ninjas that was on guard while waiting for their master. "What are you turtles doing in my lab?!" Baxtor Stockman said as he entered. Leo had gotten off the chair and held you close to him, then pointed his katana at Baxtor. "Touch her and you die!" He glared at the crazy scientist who chuckled nervously and just backed off a little. "Now you tell the others that nobody messes with what's mine!" With that Leo picked you up bridal style while his brothers threw smoke bombs on the floor so they could escape. "Man, Sensei Shredder isn't going to be happy about this." Baxtor nervously said after the brothers and you had escaped.

Back in the lair you threw your arms around Leo's neck and hugged him tight. "Thank you for saving me, fearless." He hugged you back and chuckled. "Anything for my girl. I love you, precious." You blushed by his words. "I love you too, Leonardo." Then kissed him as a thank you for resquing you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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