Because I love you

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You was sitting in the living room in the lair fuming. You was angry because of Leo still not allowing you to join them patrolling again because of what happened last time. Since you was a full trained kunoichi you was allowed to go patrolling with the turtles, but the last time you went out it got serious. The turtles and you was on a mission to stop some Kraang from completing one of their plans and you all had to retreat when you got shot by a Kraang droid. You was badly hurt, but Leo carried you bridal style as all of you ran faster than fast back to the lair. Donnie did everything he could to save you and you was very lucky.

You got out of your trance of fuming when you saw all the turtles gather in the living room and geared up to go on another patrol you knew Leo wouldn't let you go on. You was fully healed, but he didn't believe it and didn't allow you to join them. You got out of the couch and made your way over to Leo. Donnie noticed you walk over to Leo and then Donnie made sure him, Mikey and Raph got ready quickly and really wanted to get out of the lair instead of hearing you and Leo argue yet again.

LEONARDO: Guys just go ahead and start, I will catch up with you guys.

They all nodded and just ran out of the lair and headed surface. Now you stood in front of Leo ready to confront him.

YOU: I'm ready to go on patrol, Leo.

LEONARDO: Don't even start, (y/n)!

YOU: And why is that, Leo? I have been stuck in here for three months now, not even allowed to go to the grocery store or to pick up the pizza we order.

LEONARDO: You aren't ready, you aren't fully healed to go out on something as serious as this!

Leo and you was raising your voices at each other, you more angry than ever.

YOU: Yes I am ready! I can take down a Kraang droid and...

LEONARDO: My point exactly! One Kraang droid. And what if it's more than one? Or if the Footclan comes? Or any of the other evil mutants? You don't stand a chance! Your not going and that's final!

YOU: But why can't I?!

I shouted out loudly.

LEONARDO: Because I love you!!

Leo shouted out even louder. My eyes widened at his outburst and silence filled the room. The two of you just looked each other deeply in the eyes. Then Leo looked down on the floor and spoke again in a more calm and sad voice briefly, but you heard.

LEONARDO: And I can't risk loosing you. You mean so much to me.

You was still looking at Leo with wide eyes, was you hearing right? Leo loves you? You have had a crush on him for so long and now he is the one confessing to you. Your heart was racing and you felt yourself heat up. Leo looked up at you again, this time he grabbed your hands tightly bringing you closer to him.

LEONARDO: I almost lost the love of my life three months ago because of a stupid Kraang droid and that is a chance I am never going to take again. I can't live without you, I need you in my life and I hope you understand that. I understand if you don't want me, because I'm a mutant and you deserve bette-MMPHMM.

You smashed your lips on his not wanting to hear more of his words. Now it was Leo's eyes that widened, and he was shocked. After a few seconds being in shock he melted into the kiss putting one of his arms around your waist and the other hand behind your neck to bring you closer to deepen the kiss. Your lips were moving in sync and so many unspoken emotions were floading through. Everything made perfect sense now and you was not going to argue with him anymore. You would just have to do your best during training and improve your ninjutzu skills, so maybe one day you could go patrolling again. After making out with him for a while it was time to pull away, both breathing heavily.

YOU: I understand, Leo. Just pleace come back home safe and sound, all of you. I don't wanna loose you guys either.

Leo hugged you tightly and kissed your forehead.

LEONARDO: Will you be my girlfriend?

YOU: I would love to be your fierless girlfriend, Leonardo.

He pecked you on the lips and was now ready to head out for patrol.

LEONARDO: I love you, princess.

YOU: And I love you too, my hero.  

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