There for you

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- Your p.o.v -

About two weeks ago my boyfriend decided to break up with me. The worst part is that he cheated on me and I got a video of him and another girl making out together at a party send to me. He broke up with me to be with this girl that he cheated on me with. I was in the lair that night, waiting for the guys to get back from patrol, but I ran out of the lair just the same time as they got back. Leo was about to greet me, but he heard me cry and saw me run away. The others looked quite confused of why and what happened. Leo decided to follow me and figure out what just happened and I explained everything and even showed him the video. I have never seen Leo so angry, he was probably more angry than Raph has been any day!

Ever since that day two weeks ago Leo would stop by my house everyday and spend hours with me to make sure I was alright. He gave me his shoulder to cry on, he hugged me tightly to comfort me, he came with pizza or other yummy food that we would eat together, he even brought movies we watched and he would always do what he could do to take my mind of my ex for at least a few hours and cheer me up. Tonight was also one of those nights. There was a knock on the window and I knew Leo was back again.

YOU: Hi, Leo.

LEONARDO: Hey,Y/n! How are you?

He asked as he embraced me with one of his tight hugs.

YOU: I'm okay. I went out shopping with April earlier. How are you?

LEONARDO: It doesn't matter how I am, because I'm always good. To me it only matters if you're alright.

His answer surprised me a bit and also made me blush. He took out some movies for us to watch tonight. I was tired of lovey dovey chick flick movies, so he would bring (fav/movie category) movies. We made it into my living room and sat down ready for movie night. Leo and I watched first one movie, then we went over to the next one and was about to start the third one.

YOU: Thank you, Leo.

Then he turned to me and looked a little puzzled.

LEONARDO: For what?

YOU: For always being here for me. Thank you, Leonardo, you are amazing.

Leo got his beautiful smile on his face that would make your heart heat up and melt. I gladly smiled lovingly right back. It's true. He is the one that have been there for me and made sure I was okay. My ex haven't tried to reach out once, but I'm done with him and there won't be a second chance for him at all.

LEONARDO: Anything for you.

The movie had been playng for a while and it was about to finish. Even if the movie was super exciting and fun, I couldn't control my heavy eyes from being kept open. I drifted off to sleep on Leo's shoulder.

- Leonardo's p.o.v -

During our third movie for the night I started to hear light snoring. It was Y/n that had drifted off to sleep. It was getting late at night and this was our third movie after all, so I'm not surprised she would pass out. It all made me smile. She's so cute when she's sleeping. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her bed room. Laying her down in her bed and covering her with her blanket, then I went to off the movie and clean up after our movie night. Before leaving I went back into her room to see her one more time before I leave. I knelt down and gave her a sweet peck on the cheek before going to the window. I took one last glance at her sleeping beauty.

LEONARDO: I will always be there for you. Someday you will see how much I love you and someday you may feel the same way for me. I love you like crazy, Y/n. Good night beautiful.

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