Be mine?

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It had been a stressful day, so you decided to hang out in the lair to relax. You haven't seen any of the turtles yet, thinking they might be out on patrol or something, so you just sat on the couch watching TV while waiting. You tried to keep your focus on the TV, but your mind drifted of else where. You was thinking about your crush, the fearless leader in blue, Leonardo. But you knew for the fact that he didn't like you. He couldn't. You knew he loved Karai. Weird to think about that he was having a crush on his long-time-no-see sister. You broke from your trance when you heard loud noises coming from the lair entrance.


It was Mikey. That meant the guys was back from their evening patrol, and it sounded like they brought pizza. Mikey noticed you sitting on the couch.

MICHELANGELO: And the dudette is back! Hey (y/n), what's up?

YOU: Oh hey Mikey. Just had a little long day, thought it would be nice to come by. You guys been on patrol?


DONATELLO: Technically we have just been out hunting for more cans of mutagen since my alarm went off and sensed mutagen nearby, we found two cans!

Donnie broke his brother Raph off which made him growl.

YOU: Oh, that's good!

RAPHAEL: Yeah, and don't forget to mention this was the most boring night ever! No butts to kick!

Raph was usually angry when there was no action happening outside. You understood him, because mutagen hunting was super boring!

LEONARDO: So what have you been up to, and how long have you been here waiting for us (y/n)?

YOU: I got here about 40 minutes ago, just watched some TV, nothing new really. Just really stressed out with school.

Leo chuckled. He knew you didn't like school but he did try to motivate you. The rest of the evening you and the turtles spent eating pizza, chatting back and forth with each other and had movie night before deciding to call it the night.

* Time skip, 3 weeks *

So much have happened in your life just the past few weeks. Your parents was going to move to the other side of the country, but you refused since you didn't want to move away from your best friends. You had moved in with another best friend, April O'Neil, and your parents was alright with that, because they trusted her father that you would be ok living with April and her father, but you and April spend most of your time in the lair with the turtles.

It was getting late again and you was in the lair going to sleep over in your own bedroom which you had there. Everyone had said their good nights, but you was sitting alone on the couch and the TV was off. You was thinking about life, and how many adventours you had been on just since you met the turtles. Suddenly you feel the seat next to you on the couch shift a bit and you notice your long time crush sat next to you.

LEONARDO: I thought you went to bed, why are you still awake?

YOU: I will go to bed, I was just thinking.

LEONARDO: What was you thinking about?

YOU: Life, basically. It is kinda funny to think about how many adventourus I have been on ever since I met you all. I never imagined my life like this, it only proves that life is full of surprises.

LEONARDO: [Chuckles] Yeah, I know. I had no idea this is how it would be for me and my brothers either, but I have no regrets.

YOU: Me neither.

Then a peaceful, not awkward, silence filled the room. It was nice sitting there alone chatting with Leonardo. You could feel Leo's eyes on you, but you just looked on the table lost in your own mind smiling. After a few minutes of silence Leo broke it.

LEONARDO: So, (y/n), there is this thing I have been trying to tell you for a while now, but I wasn't fearless enough to do it, but I'm gonna do it now.

You turned to look at Leo, and try to meet his eyes. Damn those eyes, you always get lost in them. They are like the most stunning eyes you have ever seen.

YOU: Yeah?

LEONARDO: You know we met 11 months ago, it will be one year ago in 5 days, and ever since then I..... I have started to develop..... To develop some feelings for you.

You look at Leo curiously, trying to be sure you hear him right. Feelings?

LEONARDO: (y/n), what I'm trying to say is that I like you. A lot.

You blush as he said that. He just said he likes you. Your mind is in fireworks now, but you also think about Karai. Didn't he like her?

YOU: Leo, I like you too. I have for the longest amount of time, but I was scared because I thought you liked Karai.

LEONARDO: Karai? Nah, she is so last year and not my type, she is my sister after all. My very evil bad sister which is our enemy and... Wait! Did you just say you liked me too?!

YOU: [Giggles] I guess I did, Fearless.

And you didn't get a respons to that in words, you got a respons in actions, because Leo had pressed his lips to yours kissing you so passionately. Now everything inside of you was on fireworks. All the feelings you had for each other got out in that longing kiss. One of Leo's hands was on the back of your head, with his fingers tangled in your hair, trying to deepen the heated kiss. The other hand was around your waist, pressed on your back bringing you closer to him. Your hands are around his neck pressing his head closer to yours and playing with his bandana ends. After a good long heated make out session it was time to pull away so none of you would die of not being able to breathe. You both locked your eyes with each other, and just stared while breathing heavily.

LEONARDO: I love you, (y/n).

YOU: I love you too Leo.

LEONARDO: So one more thing.

YOU: Yeah?

LEONARDO: Be mine?

And that is all up to YOU! =3 <3

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