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- Your p.o.v -

I was making my way over to the house I was going to be babysitting in tonight. I use to babysit other kids to earn a few extra dollars. This is a little girl that's about five years old and she's blonde. She's really cute and has an amazing imagination. The past couple of times I've been babysitting her, she's been talking non stop about this imaginary friend of hers, mr. turtle.


YOU: Alright sweetie, you can go play in your room while I clean up here after our dinner.

The little girl nodded and ran into her room happily. I started to clean up after our mac & cheese dinner. I just finished cleaning the last plate when I heard talking. It was coming from the little girls bedroom. I thought she was playing with her own choice, but then I heard a darker voice which clearly did not come from the little girl and the voice sounded familiar. I walked slowly over to the room, wondering what I would come face to face with.

LITTLE GIRL: Here you go, mr. turtle. Hope you like your tea.

I took a glance through the little opening of the bedroom door, but I couldn't see who she was talking to or find out if 'mr. turtle' was real or just pure imagination. I pushed the door a little bit up, but the door made a sound and gave me away. That got both the little girls and 'mr. turtles' attention. Then I saw who mr. turtle really was.

YOU: Leonardo.

I whispered out. My boyfriend, Leonardo, have been mr. turtle and the little girl 'imaginary' friend. Leo and I have been dating for almost two years and we're really happy together.


LITTLE GIRL: Y/n you just came in time for my tea party and mr. turtle is also here.

YOU: [Smirk] Mr. turtle, huh?

LEONARDO: [Chuckles nervously] Look, sweetie, I can explain.

YOU: Oh Leo, you don't have to explain, but now you gotta help me babysit her for the rest of the night.

I joined in on their tea party and we just had fun for the rest of the night.


It was bedtime for the little girl and Leo said he would like to make her sleep, then we would watch some movies together after until the little girl father would come home. Everything was ready for us to have a mini movie night and Leo was still in the little girl's room so I decided to go check. I stopped right outside the girl's bedroom and heard their conversation.

LITTLE GIRL: Do you have kids, mr. turtle?

LEONARDO: [Sighes] No.

LITTLE GIRL: Do you want kids?

LEONARDO: You should go to sleep, sweetheart.

He said with a sad voice. The little girl smiled and grabbed Leo's hand and smiled. She quickly fell asleep, Leo tucked her more good in her comfy blankets and took one last glance at her before he was starting to walk towards the door. He would make a wonderful father someday and that got me thinking if we would have kids. I made my way back to the kitchen to bring the popcorn as he entered the living room. He looked sad.

YOU: Hey, hero. Ready for movie night?

I asked trying to cheer him up and he gave me a sad smile.


We made our way to the livingroom and sat down on the couch. Leo put and arm around my waist to bring me closer to him. Halfway through the movie he put it on pause and I looked up at him wondering what this was about.

LEONARDO: Y/n, sweetie, do you think... that we... are able to have kids? You are the woman for me and I would love to start a family with you.

I smiled at him and I kinda wanted to give it a shot.

YOU: To be honest, Leo, I don't know...

He looked down on the ground sad and defeated, but I grabbed his chin and made him face me.

YOU: But I would love to try.

A happy smile was planted on Leo's face and he looked at me with so much hope.

LEONARDO: Wanna come with me to my place and start trying tonight?

YOU: Yeah, baby, I would love that.

Then he leaned in for a kiss I melted into.   

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