Day 6: Ugh... Monkeys...

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The next morning, I was awakened by something poking me. I opened my eyes to see Max standing there, trying to wake Scarlett and me up. "Enough laying about. Up, up, up, UP!" he yelled.

We both sat up and glared at him. "Fetch food for my face, then I'll teach you more in the ways of evil!"

She rolled her eyes before turning to me. "He's starting to annoy me," she replied before we both got out and began walking around, collecting food.

As we were walking, I heard quiet sobbing. "Do you hear that?" I asked.

"It's probably nothing," Scarlett replied, before continuing.

I looked through the bushes to see Ella sitting there, quietly crying, surrounded by animals. "Umm... Ella? Are you okay?"

She turned and saw me there. "Oh, hello Ariel... I'm f-fine..." I sat down next to her.

"If something's wrong you can tell me."

"O-okay, it's just that... D-"

She was interrupted by Chris coming over the intercom. "Hey, teens! Proceed to the meeting area! It's time for me to laugh at your pain! There'll also be a challenge."

She sighed before standing up. "Never mind. It's not important. But, it's nice to know you care." she said, smiling before walking away. I waited a minute before leaving as well.

Confessional: "It's good to have friends. That was one of my main reasons for coming. So, I'm glad, even if she's on the other team. Plus, she's a really good singer. I wish I had that kind of confidence..."

Once I got there, I sat between Jasmine and Topher. "Hey, something's weird with this island," Jasmine said. "Those trees were closer yesterday, and that mountain wasn't there before."

Now that I'm really looking and thinking about it, she's right. There has been a lot of strange movement of a lot of objects lately...

"And I'm 100% sure you are a few koalas short of a swarm," Chris replied.

"A swarm of koalas?" she asked.

"That's not correct. A group of koalas would be called a-"

"Nobody cares, brainiac." Chris interrupted me.

"No really, something's not-"

"Jasmine! I need to tell you how I feel!" Shawn exclaimed, running over to her with a bouquet of flowers.

"Me first," she replied, before swatting them out of his hand. "I want you to stay away from me. We clear? Good!"

That seemed a little harsh... Even after what happened.

"I'm giving Ella and Dave one more minute, then they're cannon food," Chris said. She left before me, where could she be?"

"Hey! While we're waiting, you and I could have a host off!" Topher said.

This again?

"Hey! That's a horrible idea."

Ella then arrived, still looking sad. I tried to cheer her up, but she wouldn't talk to me...

"Ella! What happened? Are you okay?" Sky asked.

"I'm fine, it's just that my heart is filled with sorrow." Ella murmured sadly before Sugar broke into hysterical laughter. We all glared at her.

"That was about something else." she said, and I rolled my eyes. Of course, it was Sugar.

"I thought Dave liked me, but it's you who captured his heart," she said.

Ariel's Actions: Total Drama Pahkitew Island FFWhere stories live. Discover now