Day 9: That is NOT food

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I woke up with a smile on my face. Even though Chris woke us up with an air horn, and tried to permeate our dreams with visions of our experiences here. Why? Well, in case you don't know, Topher went home! Yes~! The only thing that could ruin this day would be an eating challenge, but what are the chances of that happening? I mean, it's not like Chris can read my mind or anything...

"Meeting area. Now!" he exclaimed, before we all groggily trudged there, the smile quickly disappearing.

"What is so important it required waking us in the middle of the night?" Max asked. For once I agree with him.

"Cognitive function is dependent on R-E-M sleep!" Scarlett said before Shawn yawned.

"Can we go back to bed now?"

"The reason I called you all here is because it's time to merge the teams. Consider yourselves merged."


"And that couldn't have waited until the morning?" Jasmine demanded.

"Hey, if you guys don't want the midnight merger meal, then fine. Just go back to bed!"

"You've never done anything nice. Ever!" Sky said. "What gives?"

"Fiiiine. The lawyers called to say that feeding only one team every couple days is technically 'starvation'."

Really? I had no idea...

"So, this is a legally enforced team merger celebration dinner," Chris said before the curtain behind him was pulled up, revealing a large table.

We all cheered. "It was gonna be gourmet pizza, bison burgers, and sweet potato fries, but, the silk tablecloth and the silver candelabras put us way over budget. So tonight you'll be eating... Juggy Chunks!" Chris said, and we all gasped when Chef revealed it. Sugar was the only one who cheered.

"I've never heard of these 'Juggy Chunks'," Max said.

"Come on, you know? They got that catchy jingle and it ends with the cartoon horse that goes 'I've never won a race, but I'm still delicious'. They're gratifying." She said, and I shuddered.

Ugh, just thinking about that makes me want to throw up.

"How does a horse give a thumbs up?" Shawn asked.

Because that's what's wrong there...

"Cartoon horses always give a thumbs up. Otherwise, they get mistaken for real horses," she replied.

... No comment...

"Okay, save some wonderful truisms for your spin-off show, Sugar," Chris said, and she gasped. "Relax, I'm kidding. Television broadcast standards could never sink that low," he replied before he walked away.

We all sat down at the table, and Chef then began putting it in front of us. I don't even think it can be classified as food...

"This fabulous dinner will be used as a pre-challenge! The first player to finish their cup of Juggy Chunks will be safe from elimination. All right, everyone, grab some chunks! Ready, set, enjoy!' Chris exclaimed, before blowing his air horn.

I just sat there and stared at it.

Confessional: "I have a weak stomach. I cannot eat something this gross without vomiting.

"You're never going to get immunity by staring at it, Ariel," Chris said as he walked past. I sighed and plugged my nose before eating some of it, only to stop and almost throw up.

Sugar then got up and exclaimed, "Hey! I just remembered the Juggy Chunks jingle!" before she began singing "Whaaat's made of horse meat, smells like skunk, comes in a jug it's Juggy Chunks. How's your dinner? Mine's just fine. 'Cause I love the taste of brine. Juggy chunks is the perfect meal for any celebration, please ignore the warning from the food and drug administration! Yummmm-y!" She then finished the rest of hers. "Done!"

Ariel's Actions: Total Drama Pahkitew Island FFWhere stories live. Discover now