Day 11: Feelings of Depression

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The sun came up, and I just sat on the ground, sighing sadly as I stared a picture of Scarlett I had drawn in my sketchbook. "I should've helped her... at least I would've gone home with her..."

Confessional: "I know that Scarlett was evil... but I still miss her... Now that I think about it, it was kinda obvious, but still... I miss her so much!" (Begins crying)

The intercom came on, and the usual earsplitting noise was played through it. "Sorry, sorry about that," Chris said. "It seems like every time I press this button--" he interrupted himself with the sound again. "Yep, it's definitely this button. Anyway, time to join me at the base of Mount MacLean. I just named the mountain. I named it after me. You know, MacLean? Because I'm awesome? Anyway, just get over here, pronto!"

I sighed again before getting up. I walked over slowly, and I was the last one there. I stood next to Jasmine and she gave me a concerned look. "Are you okay, Ariel? You look awful."

"I'm... fine..." I replied, even though I knew that she could tell I was lying. She left it alone though, and Chris started talking.

"Congratulations. You should be very proud of yourselves for making it to the final five. Proud, and utterly terrified of what awaits you."

"Is the island going to try to kill us again?" Shawn asked.

"Nope, the island is now completely offline. Thanks to two people whose names I never want to hear again."

I sighed again.

"He's talking about Max and Scarlett," Sugar said before Chris interrupted her.

"Okay, today's challenge is called, Mount Everfast. Which is like Mount Everest, but this one was modeled after one in...--" he stopped as Sugar continued to noisily eat her cabbage. "Why are you eating a cabbage?"

"My colon's more crammed than a city bus rush hour during a snowstorm. The wheels are spinning, but it ain't moving."


"Okay, my fault for asking. Now, the rules are simple. At the top of Mount MacLean is a flag. The first one to make it to the top gets immunity, and to dine on a fabulous take-out dinner. The last one to make it to the top gets fed to the cannon. Chef?" he explained, before Chef threw climbing gear at our feet."

Everyone else started asking questions, but Chris blew his air horn, silencing everyone. "Go!"

I am just done with this show.

I was about to sit down and gladly take last, but Jasmine grabbed me and an extra bag for me and started running up the mountain, carrying me.

"Listen, Ariel, I know it's tough for you, but you have to keep your head in the game. You think Scarlett is going to want to date a quitter?" she asked.

I thought for a minute.

"No... You're right. I have to win for her!" I said, before getting out of her grip and running on my own. I quickly grabbed the helmet out of my backpack, and put it on, easily keeping up with the two.

Confessional: "Jasmine's right. I have to win for Scarlett."

Jasmine and Shawn started talking about what they were going to do with the money if they win.

So their plan is to split it if they make it to the finale?

"It's always been my dream to own my own business. A flower shop and cage fighting school called 'Roses are Red, Bruises are Blue."

"That's sounds interesting, Jas," I replied.

We all stopped when we realized that we were at a narrow path, with rocks we'd have to hop across and lava flowing beneath us.

Ariel's Actions: Total Drama Pahkitew Island FFWhere stories live. Discover now