Chapter 6. Plans and Ideas

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Emil found himself sprinting once more. This time it was to meet his best friend. He found himself not gasping for air as he ran, it was a strange feeling. Maybe he was actually becoming in shape? That was strange.

Different thoughts ran through his mind. Why did Leon want to meet him? Why in the park? Why was it him? Was it because he needed to slap him? Well if it was he was prepared for that slap. He did kind of deserve it.

Emil could remember a time before events of that night where he would run this fast. It was when he was being chased by his tormentors. Those horrible children, they would often purposely wait for him to exit class or maybe even exit school before chasing him all the way back home. It was then that Matthias would chase them off while Lukas cheered Emil up.

Emil sighed, oh how he hated those days.

However, there was a time where something amazing happened and looking back to it, that wasn't so bad.

It was when Leon first became his friend.


"Let me go!" Emil squealed as another child grabbed a handful of his sliver locks. Pulling the poor child down to the ground. Another child laughed then kicked his legs causing him to cry. Three children all waited for him outside his class. The poor boy huddled up into a ball on the ground, the kicks of the others hurt, but he didn't want them to see him crying.

"He still looks ugly as ever." The second voice commented

"I think it's that ugly sweater." The first looked at the sweater, Emil instantly grabbed onto it. He didn't want them to take his sweater, Lukas had worked incredibly hard in making it for him.

"We should take it and rip it off." The third voice suggested.

Suddenly Emil's hand was pulled back and he was met face to face with his tormentors. They were trying to tear his sweater off, however Emil wasn't going to back down he tried to swipe at the other children only to have him kicked even more.

"Hey, like, stop!" A voice shouted, Emil looked up his purple eyes met with the dark brown eyes of his saviour. The three bullies all looked back at the boy, who was much shorter than them in hight, yet despite being so minuscule the owner of that voice walked right over to Emil and stood in front of him. The boy opened his arms out then glared at the bullies.

"Leave him, like, alone!" He growled. "If you don't... I'll, like, make sure you do."

"Oh how cute." The first bully hissed, causing Emil to shiver. The boy picked up Emil then held his hand tightly.

"Don't look back. Let's go."

With that the two young children ran, adrenaline kicked in. They were both chased by those three bullies throughout the school, it wasn't until they crawled through a tight crevice that they were truly alone. The two boys just looked at each other before Emil burst out tears.

He tried to speak out, but only garbled words came out of his mouth. The other boy seemed to smile softly, however when Emil looked up, his smile turned to a frown.

"If I'm around they won't hurt you okay, so.. Like stay with me. U-uh I'm, like, Li Xiao Chun but you can call me Leon." He greeted, looking down at the sliver-haired crying boy in front of him.

"I-I will." He cried, hugging onto the other boy. Emil had been so lonely without any friends...

...and the truth was Leon was just as lonely.

From Best Friend to Boyfriend (Hetaila, HongIce)Where stories live. Discover now