Chapter 28. The End is Near.

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"Any last words?"

When Emil kept quiet Loki laughed. Moving closer, so close that Emil could glance up at him and read every little detail on his face.

"I didn't expect any. Now shut your eyes this will be quick."

As Emil shut his eyes he shivered. What was he doing? Why was he listening? Why wasn't he giving a fight? Was he too afraid? No no. He wasn't right? As he heard the axe swing up he couldn't help but whimper.

This was his end.

Or was it?

Through the harsh swoosh he found himself shivering for much longer than expected. His eyes dared to peak open, the axe stopped just before his face, the impersonator of his brother halted by some unknown magical force. The lime green barrier that separated life from death was something confusing, Emil couldn't help but weakly mutter out the phrase:

"Since when was magic real?"

"All you've been through and you decide to ask since when magic was real? Are you bloody kidding me?!"

That voice. It was familiar, it held a certain English accent that the silver haired youth couldn't help but recall.

The situation was extreme, whoever had stopped the axe was his saviour. However, his eyes darted to Tino who seemed to be rushing at him with raised fists. A shadow, something that he could barely see leaped over him, kicking the imposter with a harsh force. The male went flying, hitting his head on the ground with a force that could knock out even the most powerful of men, and that's exactly what it did. "We made it in time right?" Another voice inquired. Though, the tick was missing and because of Emil's current hazy vision he was unable to tell who it was.

"Leon?" He mumbled, though it was as quiet as the smallest of whispers. Arms wrapped around him in a protective manor, one that made him instinctively grip onto the soft fabric of a school blazer. "It is you right?"

"The one and, like, only."

The reunion was brief, Emil couldn't see anything but a foggy mess of colours while Leon was trying his best to fight off the imposters with a shivering Emil in his hands. Of course, Leon wasn't alone in the act: four adults had come to his aid, one of them being the man that he had looked up to in the past, Arthur.

The other three were the trio that had tried to restore the broken emotions that both he and Emil had experienced. Francis, Antonio, and Gilbert. The three had managed to not convert to their horrific selves just yet, they found themselves fighting off the curse of pure darkness that hid within everyone's hearts.

"Run." Gilbert shouted, tackling the impostor Matthias down. Leon took this opportunity to run past the psychotic murders and behind the protective stances of Arthur, Francis and Antonio.

"Where are we going?" Antonio inquired, turning to Arthur who seemed about ready to run off down the road. "Anywhere but here." He replied, causing both Francis and Antonio to nod. Their friend fighting off the other's by myself. Truly, they were an odd trio.

Tripping over his own feet, Gilbert found himself unable to hold them off much longer. The albino ran behind his friends and the teens. Pushing them all towards the pavement and road.

From Best Friend to Boyfriend (Hetaila, HongIce)Where stories live. Discover now